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Musical marks film industry centennial

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年06月17日15:56 中国文化网

  Different from any previous Chinese musical, 18 songs in "Song of Light and Shadow" will be released, guaranteed to head into the charts before the show premieres in mid-November, thanks to a clever marketing deal made by the producer Yang Jian, managing director of New Music Entertainment. The Beijing-based company has produced a number of shows, gigs and movies including the National Ballet of China's "Raise The Red Lantern" directed by Zhang Yimou in 2001.

  Lee has signed contracts with the leading Chinese record companies to select 18 of their contracted singers from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, including Chiang Mei Chi, Jackie Chan and his son Jaycee, Sha Baoliang, Emil Chau, Jeff Cheung, Nicholas Tsie, to release the selected songs from the musical in advance of its premiere.

  All composed by Lee, each of the 18 songs will be included in each singer's latest album.

  "Hit songs and theme tunes are one of the most important elements in a musical, so we commissioned Lee to ensure the quality of the music. Then if the melody is familiar to the audience before they come to the theatre, it will be better. They will enjoy the show much more if the songs echo in their hearts," says Yang.

  At a press conference held in Beijing last week, the composer used the soon-to-be-released song by Chiang Mei Chi, "The Mustard Is Not Spicy" as an example to explain how he will re-work the song in the musical. The basic tune will remain, but the lyrics will differ to fit the musical's storyline.

  Lee will re-arrange all 18 songs similarly covered by the stars on the next albums.

  But one question is on everyone's mind. Who will play the lead roles? Auditions began two months ago but as yet the stars have not been selected.

  "It's very hard to find someone who has both an enchanting voice and perfect dance steps and an acting presence which can command the stage," says Lee.

  "The producer, director, playwright, art designer, choreographer and I may have different nominees depending on our perspective. We now just offer our own views," says Lee who refuses to disclose the possible cast line-up.

  All those engaged in the "Song of the Light and Shadow" say it is the biggest project they have worked in these past two yeas and everybody expects it to be a success.

  Following the premiere the musical will tour Southeast Asia.

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