影音娱乐 新浪首页 > 影音娱乐 > 戏剧 > 第三届全国少数民族文艺会演专题 >正文


http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年09月11日14:27 新浪娱乐

  Have you ever seen the leisure and mellow girls of She nationality who wear the phoenix coronet and spread their arms when dancing? Have you ever heard of the bold and unconstrained bamboo drum performance presented by the menfolk of Gaoshan nationality? In the west bank of the Taiwan Strait, there is the hometown for these two minority nationalities: She nationality and Gaoshan nationality. Their special ethical folk-custom accumulated along with the long history can not
simply be explained by the word “miracle”.

  On a moonlit night, we wander into the village of She nationality for singing and dancing with the native offspring. Which kind of scenery it is! The men there are not only as tenacious as the mountain, but as ebullient as fire as well. They are longing for going outside the mountain and praying for a better future (Dance: mountain and She nationality), while the women who love their lives are always longing for the bright future, and weaving one and another beautiful dream with their happy dance. (Dance: Barefoot dancing women)

  The sun rises. Singing the tea songs, She nationality begins their tillage. In the sunglow, they sing the winy cantus with ease and verve. Only when the moon rises, the touching and pristine love songs will linger in the air and light the fire in the lovers’ hearts. (Poem picture: The happy songs in the She nationality’s village)

  Thereupon, we know the most unpretending deduction by watching the performance “Love of People and Puppet’s Marriage”, which is to present the jolly scene of Gaoshan nationality’s marriages with the personate art of the palm puppet which is unique in the South of Fujian Province. This is a transition, which not only links the preceding “The love songs of She nationality” but also presents the amorous feelings of Gaoshan nationality. The directors skillfully and naturally arrange the following chapter for introducing Gaoshan nationality.

  When listening to the fitful bamboo drum-striking and joyous whoops, suddenly we are lured to another part of the performance “Standing on the mountain”. In the moonlight, there are the bold and unrestrained carols sung by the returned male hunters (Dance: The mountain in the moonlight), and leisure and sweet songs sung by the women. When the night goes into tranquility, there comes the sweet song of Nalu Bay. The wild and enthusiastic music notes linger in the mountain for a long time.

  The night of the harvest season is beautiful. People entertain themselves with songs and laughter. In the bright moonlight, the unique Gaoshan nationality’s folk-customs of throwing the peg-top, playing bamboo pole and looking for lovers can be seen everywhere. The paddy field becomes the sea of love and joy.

  There is another full-moon tide. The moon becomes full again. People from Gaoshan nationality, She nationality and Han nationality get together and live a harmonious life on the west bank of the strait. What an exciting moment!

  Never ask me where I come from,

  We have the same mother who gives us the same love!



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