2007年03月13日10:46 新浪娱乐
“中国国际演出交易会” 系经中华人民共和国文化部批准,由中国演出家协会主办的一年一度的演出行业盛会,自2001年至今,交易会在北京、南京、台州、桂林、重庆成功举办了五次,已经逐渐成为国内外演出界启迪文化创意、展示演艺硕果、拓宽交流渠道、结交新老朋友不可或缺的平台。 2007’中国(哈尔滨)国际演出交易会将于2007年5月11日至14日在哈尔滨国际会展体育中心举办,本次交易会以“和谐、创意、协作、友谊”为主题,主要内容为:文化创意产业国际发展论坛、展览展示、演出项目推介、俄罗斯演出市场考察等内容。届时,国内外演出界的新老朋友将再次聚首,来共赴这一年一度的演出行业盛宴。 我们诚挚期盼您的荏临! Approved by the Department of Culture of the People's Republic of China, "China International Performing Arts Fair ” is a large-scale annual gathering of performance industry sponsored by the China Association of Performing Arts. Since 2001, the fairs had been successfully held five times respectively in Beijing, Nanjing, Taizhou, Guilin, and Chongqing. It has gradually become an indispensable platform of enlightening cultural originality, displaying great performance achievements, broadening the communication channels, and meeting old friends and making new friends. 2007 'China (Harbin) International Performing Arts Fair will be held on May 11, 2007 to 14 at the sports center in Harbin International Conference and Exhibition; this very fair sets "Harmony, Originality, Cooperation and Friendship " as the theme, and the main contents as follows: exhibition displays, subject seminars, performance promotions, investigations on performance market in Russia, and so on. By then, new and old friends from performance industry in both domestic and abroad sectors will meet again, altogether coming to the annual feast of performance industry. We sincerely expect your presence.
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