

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月20日10:49  新浪娱乐


  倪德伦家族在许多世界顶级演出市场管理和经营着近30家剧院,其中包括纽约、伦敦、旧金山、芝加哥和洛杉矶等城市。倪德伦公司在百老汇拥有9家剧院,是该地区最大的剧院拥有者和经营者之一。许多最优秀的百老汇剧目均曾在倪德伦的剧院上演过,其中包括迪斯尼出品的《狮子王》(Lion King)、《泰山》(Tarzan)及《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)、《霹雳发胶》(Hairspray)、《房租》(Rent)、《糊涂大姨妈》(Drowsy Chaperone)、《私生子之月》(A Moon For The Misbegotten)《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)和《罪恶坏女巫》(Wicked)等等。截至2004年,倪德伦的剧院已成功上演近50多部最优秀的百老汇音乐剧,观众超过五百万。目前百老汇最成功的音乐剧上演一周有14,000观众,票房收入可达140万美元,而倪德伦公司则是百老汇的典范。

  在多年的经营发展过程中,包括在百老汇的演出及外地巡演中,倪德伦公司已经上演了数不胜数的其他公司出品的优秀剧目。除了剧目演出,倪德伦公司自己制作的剧目更是获得了上百项荣誉奖,包括托尼奖(Tony Award——美国的音乐剧大奖)、纽约戏剧委员会奖(Drama Desk Award)、外围剧评人奖(Outer Critic Circle Award)、格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)以及其他各种奖项。倪德伦公司曾经制作和/或者获得版权的主要剧目包括《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)、《霹雳发胶》(Hairspray)、《房租》(Rent)、《罪恶坏女巫》(Wicked)和《阿依达》(Aida)等。除此之外,倪德伦公司还作为投资人或合作方参与制作了《紫色》(Color Purple)、《生命的旋律》(Sweet Charity)、《约瑟夫与神奇彩衣》(Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)、 《雨中曲》(Singin' in the Rain)、《奥菲的沉沦》(Orpheus Descending)、《小飞侠》(Peter Pan)、《飞燕金枪》(Annie Get Your Gun)、《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady starring Rex Harrison)、《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music)、《演出船》(Showboat)、《屋顶的提琴手》(Fiddler on the Roof)、《理发师陶德》(Sweeney Todd)和《西区故事》(West Side Story)等剧目。


棒球队(New York Yankees)特许经营权的合伙人之一。很多倪德伦家族企业都是上市或私营公司,并且在体育、金融、


  Nederlander operates one of the largest live entertainment organizations in the world. Since its establishment in 1912, Nederlander has been a family run company and has maintained a tradition of entertainment production and theatre ownership, management and operation that has expanded into the worldwide theatre empire that the third generation of Nederlanders runs today.

  Nederlander owns and/or operates a network of more than 30 theatres in cities such as New York, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. In 2004, Nederlander theatres presented approximately 50 individual Broadway musical productions to an audience of over 5 million people.

  On Broadway, Nederlander operates nine theatres which are currently home to Disney’s Lion King, Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast (soon to be replaced with The Little Mermaid), Hairspray, Rent, Drowsy Chaperone, A Moon For The Misbegotten, Legally Blonde and Wicked, currently Broadway’s most successful production playing to over 14,000 patrons and grossing $1.4 million each week. Nederlander is truly the epitome of Broadway.

  Nederlander’s expertise covers the gamut of theatre management and operations, including:

  ·programming and production contract negotiation

  ·ticketing system development and maintenance

  ·subscription, single and group ticket sales

  ·marketing and promotional strategies

  ·venue and production sponsorship

  ·theatre staffing and training

  ·merchandising and concessions sales

  ·theatre design and construction implementation and consulting

  In addition to Nederlander’s access to and presentation of shows produced by other producers, Nederlander has successfully invested in or produced the very best in live theatrical entertainment. Nederlander shows have garnered hundreds of honors, including Tony Awards, Drama Desk Awards, Outer Critics Circle Awards, Grammy Awards and others. In addition to producing and/or booking major musicals, such as Movin' Out, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Hairspray, Wicked, Rent, Riverdance, Chicago, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and Aida, Nederlander has also been involved as investors and/or co-producers in productions such as The Color Purple, Sweet Charity, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, Oklahoma!, Singin' in the Rain, Orpheus Descending, Peter Pan, Annie Get Your Gun, My Fair Lady starring Rex Harrison, The Sound of Music, Showboat, Camelot starring Richard Burton/Richard Harris and Julie Andrews, Fiddler on the Roof, Man of La Mancha, Sweeney Todd, West Side Story, Flamenco Puro, Starlight Express and Can-Can.

  Nederlander also has a long tradition of identifying and expanding into related areas of live entertainment including concerts, sports and broadcast television and cable production. Nederlander has over 20 years of experience producing drama and theatrical television productions, including many award-winning shows. In addition, members of the Nederlander family have held leadership positions in public and private companies in sports, finance, hospitality and real estate, among many others.

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