
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月23日15:06  新浪娱乐




  National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra

  The National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1959, whose members are mostly talented and well-trained graduates from major music academies in China. During its formative years, the orchestra received special cares from the late Premier Zhou Enlai. It also invited renowned Chinese conductors like Li Delun, Han Zhongjie, Huang Feili, Huang Yijun, Lin Kechang to train the orchestra and organize concerts. The famous French conductor Jean Perrison collaborated with the orchestra during his visit in China. It has also co-presented concerts with principal conductors of the Peru National Symphony Orchestra, Danish Royal Ballet and companies in Britain, France and Russia. Its concerts conducted by well-known conductors Li Guoquan, Bian Zushan and Li Xincao are well acclaimed among the audience within and outside the country. Currently, Zhang Yi is its music director and principal conductor. Liu Ju is the resident conductor of the orchestra.

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