资料:交响音乐舞剧《布兰之歌》http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日18:19 新浪娱乐
海报 演出照 名 称:《布兰之歌》 类 型:交响音乐舞剧 举办时间:2008年7月3日—4日 19:30 举办地点:北京国家大剧院歌剧厅 参演单位:中国上海金星舞蹈团 美国斯坦福大学交响乐团/合唱团 美国硅谷爱乐及台湾大学校友合唱团 美国洛杉矶童声合唱团 简介: 自本世纪初被作曲家卡尔·奥尔夫编曲后,《布兰之歌》似乎被赋予了一种巨大魔力。既有雄壮的呐喊又有委婉的咏叹,洋溢着对生命的赞歌,对短暂人生的垂怜、惋惜和哀叹。 舞蹈家金星编导的这部“交响音乐舞剧”以黑色为主调的巨大的旋涡状作为背景,由300多人组成的交响乐团,合唱团及舞蹈团在舞台上呈现出壮观的场景。叙述者时而游走,时而狂歌,时而又陷入梦幻般的爱情, 像谜一样将观众凝聚其中。东西方的音乐、舞蹈、服装语汇在舞台上交织成一个古典和现代的结合体。 图 片:(附后) Production:"Carmina Burana" Performing groups: Jin Xing Dance Theater Stanford Symphony Orchestra and Choral Union (USA) Silicon Valley Ai-Yue and Taiwan University Alumni Chorus (USA) Los Angles Children's Chorus (USA) Time and Venue: 19:30 July 3-4, 2008, Opera House and National Center of Performing Arts Brief Introduction: Based on the famous music of German composer Carl Orff, Jin Xing created a unique choreography combining contemporary dance with chorus and classical orchestra. It was premiered in Shanghai Grand Theater in 2000. In 2005, the European premiere took place at the Palais des Congres in Paris with 10 sold-out performances. The production is a lavish, pageant-like presentation employing over 300 artists on stage, including the orchestra, chorus from famous Stanford University and dance ensemble. The program also includes the signature pieces of Jing Xin Dance Theater - “Half Dream” and “Red and Black” Pictures attached: 不支持Flash