国际青年艺术周论坛 - “艺术,社会与青年”

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日18:53  新浪娱乐

  名 称:国际论坛 - “艺术,社会与青年”

  类 型:论坛





  Forum: Arts Youth and Society

  Time and Venue: July 2, 2008, Ministry of Culture of P.R. China

  Brief Introduction:

  The purpose of “the International Forum on Arts,Youth and Society” is to enlighten wisdom and encourage creativity. to promote a harmonious society and reach out to the young people. The forum will provide a platform for different organizations, educators, scientists and artists to express their ideas and change their experiences. Famous guests from the U.S., U.K, Spain and China will give lectures on the forums.

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