资料:青年艺术周-世界遗产系列音乐会北京http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:09 新浪娱乐
活动名称:世界遗产系列音乐会·北京 (国际系列公益活动“第三届世界遗产音乐节·北京”) 举办时间:2008年5月-10月 举办地点:北京的六处世界遗产——长城、故宫、颐和园、天坛、十三陵、周口店 主办单位:联合国教科文组织世界音乐人联合会 中国对外文化交流协会 中国对外文化集团公司 简介: 《世界遗产音乐节》是通过以遗产地为背景举办精彩音乐表演向全世界呼吁 “保护世界遗产”和“世界和平”的国际公益性活动。本活动由联合国教科文组织总干事松浦晃一郎先生与国际音乐肖邦协会国际联盟会长Theodor Kanitzer先生直接倡议发起。音乐节以毫不修饰的原汁原味的世界遗产为舞台,由一流艺术家及艺术团体展现精湛的艺术表演,旨在真实记录属于全人类的物质遗产与精神遗产,使其流芳百世。在活动中启发教育年轻人,使人类遗产传承后世亦为重要使命之一。 《第三届世界遗产音乐节·北京》将汇集中外艺术家在北京的六大世界遗产展现他们的艺术才华,包括国际知名中国艺术家:大提琴家马友友(拟请)、在世界上刮起旋风的中国年轻天才钢琴家郎朗、在海外扬名的中国书法家娄正纲;海外艺术家:中日音乐友好大使谷村新司、日本传奇乐队X-Japan主唱TOSHI、多明戈(将作为指挥与中国著名交响乐团联袂表演)、现代魔幻数码照明师长谷川章;还将展现中国艺术精粹:京剧(梅葆玖先生)、昆剧、美猴王(六小龄童)、昆舞、芭蕾《大红灯笼高高挂》、传统民乐、蒙古族少年歌舞等。 参与方式:封闭式拍摄(不对外售票。特别嘉宾观演) Name: World Heritage Series Concerts in Beijing (International Series Benificial Activities --The 3rd World Heritage Music Festival in Beijing) Time: From May to October, 2008 Place: Beijing Six World Heritage Places: Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, 13 Emperors Tombs, Zhoukoudian Brief introduction: "World Heritage Music Festival" is an internationl benificial activity to call for "protect world heritage" and "world peace" to the world. The activity is initiated by Koichiro Matsuura and Theodor Kanitzer. The concerts are performed by first class artists and performing groups on the stage of nature and true world heritage without any decoration. Its purpose is to truely record material and spiritual heritage of mankind, and pass from generation to generation. By the activities, young people will be educated to carry out world heritage as their mission. The first music festival was held in Toyto Japan in 2006, and second festival was held in Viena Australia. The third fesival will be held in Beijing, which world famous artists from home and abroad such as Chinses Cellist You You Ma, Pianist Lang Lang, Calligrapher Lou Zhenggang and Sino-Janpan frienship ambassador Shinji Tanimura, Toshi from X-Japan, One of the three top World Tenors Placido Domingo, Modern magic digital ligher Akira Hasegawa, Beijing Opera master Mei Baojiu, Monkey King Liu Xiao Ling Tongm, Kun dance and Ballet dance "Red Latern", traditional Chinese music, and Mongolian children song and dance will be performed on the series concerts. 不支持Flash