
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:15  新浪娱乐

  名 称:《天使之声》

  类 型:童声合唱

  举办时间:2008年7月5日 19:30





  图 片:(附后)

  Concert: "Sound of Angels"

  Performing group: Los Angeles Children's Chorus (USA)

  Time and Venue: 19:30 on July 5th 2008, Beijing Concert Hall

  Brief Introduction:

  Under the artistic direction of Anne Tomlinson, the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus, has become recognized throughout the country for its exceptional artistic quality and technical ability. Founded in 1986, LACC currently performs with such leading musical ensembles as the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, the Los Angeles Master Chorale, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and the Pasadena Symphony. LACC also assists the Los Angeles Opera by providing and training children for its opera productions that require a children’s chorus or child soloists. LACC has toured Brazil, Great Britain, Italy, Australia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland, as well as many parts of

  U.S and Canada. In 2008, Concert Choir will for the first tour to China.

  Pictures attached:

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