资料:纪实舞蹈诗《小白鹭之梦-五环畅想曲》http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月12日19:28 新浪娱乐
攀登 期盼 喜悦 佤族女子群舞--旋风 名 称:纪实舞蹈诗《小白鹭之梦——五环畅想曲》 类 型:北京民族民间舞 举办时间:2008年7月3日—4日 19:30 举办地点:民族宫大剧院 参演单位:厦门小白鹭民间舞团 简介: 2001年7月,厦门小白鹭民间舞团作为唯一代表国家赴莫斯科为北京申奥助威演出团体,有幸亲历北京申奥成功。七年之后,“小白鹭”飞向北京,继续为2008奥运会祝福起舞!他们创作出一台融历史记忆与艺术想象为一炉的纪实舞蹈诗《小白鹭之梦——五环畅想曲》。 厦门小白鹭民间舞团于1993年10月建立的中国第一个专业民间舞艺术表演团体。小白鹭民间舞团以其中国民族民间舞蹈的浓郁表演风格和独特的闽台地方特色博得各界好评,被誉为中国的“小白桦”。 Traditional folk dance: Documentary Dance Poem "Dream of Little Egret ---- Fantasia of Five Rings” Time and Venue: 19:30 on July 3rd and 4th, 2008, Grand Theater of Nationality Palace (Beijing) Performance: Xiamen Little Egret Folk Dance Troupe Introduction: Performer: Xiamen Little Egret Folk Dance Troupe Type: Traditional Chinese folk dance Time: 19:30 PM, July 3 and 4, 2008 Venue: Grand Theater of Beijing Nationality Palace Introduction: Xiamen Little Egret Folk Dance Troupe was created in 1993 as the first professional folk dance troupe in China. In July 2001, The Troupe went to Moscow as the only performing group representing China for the 2008 Beijing Olympic bid. It performed in Moscow's Tash Theatre and Moscow Concert Hall。 Since then, the Troupe has a dream to perform for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. After 7 years of hard work, it created the Dramatic dance poem "Dream of Little Egret ---- Fantasia of Five Rings". The success of the Olympic Bid remained an unforgettable memory in the minds of the artists. Now audience in Beijing will not only see the precious pictures of success but also enjoy the Little Egret's wonderful dance for the Olympic Games. 不支持Flash