《功夫诗-九卷》广受好评 中英文字幕曝光http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月20日21:09 新浪娱乐
目前正在保利剧院上演的功夫舞台剧《功夫诗·九卷》,以全新的视角演绎了中国功夫,让观众在无限惊喜中感悟到中国传统文化的魅力。尤其是九卷之间的字幕,除了介绍每卷主题、演员内容之外,还蕴涵着佛教、儒教、禅学等方面的精髓,受到观众们的一致好评。鉴于很多观众咨询索要《九卷》字幕,《功夫诗·九卷》出品方保利演艺现将中英文字幕公开发表,以飨观众: 将功夫进化成诗 愿众生欢喜修行 Kung Fu evolves into poetry Peace of mind is found through meditation" 在以下的节目中 Over the cause of the performance 您将在抒放的意境空间里 You will be in a relaxed and safe space 体验修行的思想精髓 Able to experience the true essence of meditation 感悟修行的快乐欢喜 And the joy it brings 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷一 《净》 ScrollⅠ: Purity 人本纯净 因浊而修 Man is pure in nature, spiritual pollution leads us to meditation 主要演员:苗帅峰(10岁) Leading Actor: Miao Shuai Feng (10 years old) 文 Culture 源于纹 is formed 从规矩中形成 simply from a system of symbols 文化 Culture 不是知识 Isn't just knowledge 是一种规矩 It is a kind of principle 是一种礼节 It is a kind of etiquette 是一种文心 It is a quest for truth and beauty 是一种和谐 It is a kind of harmony 修行是修炼智慧 Meditation is the accumulation of wisdom 旨在将人类本能的攻击性 It's the redirection of man's instinctual aggression 转换成巨大的创造性 into creativity 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷二 《经》 ScrollⅡ: Sutra 励精磨练 修而得智 Through devotion and meditation comes wisdom 主要演员:苗帅峰(10岁) 李薄麟 Leading Actors: Miao Shuaifeng (10 years old) Li Bolin 相由心生 灾由念起 Man's appearance betrays his heart; catastrophe arises from greed 人本自有避免心灾的能力 Each of us has the ability to avoid these catastrophes 但因疏于日常培养 But because we neglect to develop these skills 导致灾难发生时无助蹉跎 When disaster strikes,we are left helpless 远离心灾 Distancing ourselves from spiritual catastrophe 从自己做起 从当下做起 Starts from within, it starts here and now 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷三 《勤》 ScrollⅢ: Diligence 时时拂拭 修在当下 Daily chores; meditation at work 领衔主演:李薄麟 Leading Actor: Li Bolin 同一个地球 One world 同一个家园 One home 山林海川皆明镜 From the mountains to the seas are as clear as crystal 珍惜生灵 爱护自然 Treasure life and care for mother nature 人类才能赖以长久生存 Only then can man be sure of long term survival 以人为本 Maintain your humanity 善待生命 Value life 敬老爱幼不是义务 Respect of the elderly and love for the young is not a burden 应是人类慈悲本性 It should be the altruistic instinct of man 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷四 《灵》 Scroll Ⅳ: Intelligence 万物本性 慈悲为怀 The nature of everything has altruism at its heart 领衔主演:苗帅峰(10岁) 孟庆龙 Leading Actors: Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) Meng Qinglong 领衔主演:王 升(青蛙) 程继平(猴子) Leading Actors: Wang Sheng (Flog) Cheng Jiping(Monkey) 领衔主演:陈圣坤(老虎) 王建立(螳螂) Leading Actors: Chen Shengkun(Tiger) Wang Jianli(Mantis) 不是苦行 The journey isn't bitter 不是孤行 The journey isn't lonely 不是无情 The journey isn't without sympathy 修行不在人性之外 Meditation is part of being human 修行者知所从来 回返本源 The meditator knows where he comes from and knows where he's going 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷五 《听》 Scroll Ⅴ: Listening 感恩图报 修行有情 Giving back in gratitude, meditation with love 主要演员:苗帅峰(10岁) 李薄麟 Leading Actors: Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) Li Bolin 主要演员:孔路路 程继平 Leading Actors: Kong Lulu Cheng Jiping 功夫之道 在于武德 The essence of Kung Fu is in morality 功夫之魂 在于文心 The essence of Kung Fu is in the quest for truth 功夫之神 在于饱满 The essence of Kung Fu is in energy 功夫之韵 在于和谐 The essence of Kung Fu is in harmony 将功夫进化成诗 Kung Fu evolves into poetry 愿众生欢喜修行 Peace of mind is found through meditation 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷六 《形》 Scroll Ⅵ: Shape 诸相非相 修行无相 Not everything is as it appears; meditation takes no form 主要演员:孟庆龙 付艳华 Leading Actors: Meng Qinglong Fu Yanhua 主要演员:程继平 黄 斗 苗帅峰(10岁) Leading Actors: Cheng Jiping Huang Dou Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) 苍茫寰宇 The expanse of the cosmos 风雨雷电 The untamed storm 人间万象 Earthly phenomena 情随事迁 All interact with man's emotions 自觉洗礼 成就自己 Find yourself through enlightenment 自觉倾注 成就他人 Find others through love 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷七 《倾》 Scroll Ⅶ: Calmness 自觉修行 圆满无碍 Pro-active meditation leaves no barrier to wholeness 主要演员:李薄麟 苗帅峰(10岁) Leading Actors: Li Bolin Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) 地震 海啸 Earthquakes, Tsunami 天灾难防 世事无常 Nature cannot be predicted; disaster cannot be prevented 焦虑 浮躁 Spiritual imbalance 人定胜己 心灾可免 Man can overcome it himself 互助相惜 Mutual assistance and respect 共生同赢 Share life and the benefits 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷八 《定》 Scroll Ⅷ: Devotion 世事无常 安住本心 Nature is unpredictable; stay calm within 领衔主演:李薄麟 付艳华 Leading Actors: Li Bolin Fu Yanhua 主要演员:王 升 李树岩 Supporing Actors: Wang Sheng Li Shuyan 主要演员:黄 斗 刘冬冬 陈圣坤 Supporing Actors: Huang Dou Liu Dongdong Chen Shengkun 关注自己的精神境界 Take care of your spiritual well-being 远离原发性心灾 Distance yourself from inner harm 是对自己的善待和保护 Be kind to yourself, protect yourself 当修行成为人人日常功课 Make meditation part of your everyday routine 当攻击性都变成创造性 Redirect your aggression to creativity 世界将充满和平 The world will be at peace 人类将充满欢喜 Man will be filled with joy 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 卷九 《境》 Scroll Ⅸ Paradise 离苦得乐 觉悟菩提 Distance yourself from bitterness to find happiness; immerse yourself in selflessness. 主要演员:苗帅峰(10岁) 孟庆龙 Leading Actors: Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) Meng Qinglong 主要演员:黄斗 程继平 Leading Actors: huangdou chengjiping 将功夫进化成诗 Kung Fu evolves into poetry. 愿众生欢喜修行 Peace of mind is found through meditation. 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 中国形体艺术探索者舞蹈家刘震首部功夫力作 Director-Mr.Liu Zhen: Well-Known Chinese Physique,Dancer 中国保利功夫明星表演团联袂演出 Performing Elite: China Poly Kung Fu Star Performing Troup 北京保利演艺经纪有限公司全球出品 Produced by Beijing Poly Artist Management Co. Ltd. 感谢中国传统文化 We would like to express our gratitude to Chinese traditional culture 感谢功夫文化遗产 And for the heritage of Kung Fu culture 承蒙您的光临 Thank you all for coming 与我们共同经历修行之旅 And joining us on this meditation journey 在您即将离开之际 As you are leaving 中国保利功夫明星表演团全体演员 China Poly Kung Fu Star Performing Troup 将以最隆重的送客方式 will express their thanks to you 向您表达由衷的谢意! in the traditional way of seeing quest off. 孔路路 孟庆龙 Kong Lulu Meng Qinglong 付艳华 黄 斗 Fu Yanhua" Huang dou 程继平 王 升 Cheng Jiping Wang Sheng 李薄麟" 苗帅峰(10岁) Li Bolin Miao Shuaifeng(10 years old) 总导演:刘震 Director: Liu Zhen 功夫诗·《九卷》 Poem of Kung Fu 《Nine Scrolls》 不支持Flash