

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月16日15:00  新浪娱乐



巴勒斯坦 卡马尔华桑贝尔





  Qamar wa Sanabel

  The show is a musical, choreographed drama, based on popular memory. It addresses the fundamental issues that currently face the Palestinian community in a creative, artistic way. This piece is based on a real story that took place in the 1970s in a Palestinian refugee camp where the main character, “Grandma,” lived. The scenes are designed to each tell a part of her life that represents the Palestinian memories, struggle with reality, and her dream to get her right of return。

  The nature of the show is simultaneously creative, experimental, educational and may thus either reinforce or modify the status quo. The range and depth of meanings observed in play further support the notion of the tragedy of ethnic cleansing and exile that took place decades ago and demand a serious attention towards solving the cause of refugees worldwide。

  The show is innovative in merging the drama and dance to form a new artistic way of tackling social concerns on the national level, and it responds to audience’s interests as the show also illustrates the impact of confrontation on the national level. It expresses our cultural position against such acts in our society。

   看明星八卦、查影讯电视节目,上手机新浪网娱乐频道 ent.sina.cn

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