

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年03月21日21:41  新浪娱乐 官方微博
话剧《12个人》 话剧《12个人》



  Adapted by Lumet’s 《12 angry men》which won the golden bear in Berlin

  2005 Drama Desk Award Outstanding Revival of a Play

  2005 Tony Award for Best Revival of a Play

  星尚·2011欧美当代戏剧典藏演出季之话剧《12个人》12Angry Men

  中文对白·无字幕Chinese Dialogues·No Subtitles

  时长:105分钟 Duration: 105 mins

  无中场休息No intermission


  Presented by Shanghai DramaticArts Centre

  时间Date:5.25 -6.5,19:30(周一休息Mon. off)

  地点Venue:艺术剧院 Arts Center





  A12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial ofan 16-year-old Latino accused in the stabbing death of his father, where aguilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. The case appears to beopen-and-shut: The defendant has a weak alibi; a knife he claimed to have lostis found at the murder scene; and several witnesses either heard screaming, sawthe killing or the boy fleeing the scene. Eleven of the jurors immediately voteguilty; only Juror No. 8 casts a not guilty vote. At first Juror No. 8 baseshis vote more so for the sake of discussion after all, the jurors must believebeyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. As the deliberationsunfold, the story quickly becomes a study of the jurors' complex personalities(which range from wise, bright and empathetic to arrogant, prejudiced andmerciless), preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions. That provides thebackdrop to Mr. Davis' attempts in convincing the other jurors that a "notguilty" verdict might be appropriate。

  编剧:  雷基纳德·罗斯【美】

  Playwright : Reginald Rose (US)

  导演:  田水

  Director:Tian Shui

  联合主演: 刘鹏,徐紫东,曹毅,贾景晖,苏俊杰,韩秀一,闻小炜,吕梁,娄际成/李建华,刘春峰,王衡,赵海涛

  Cast:LiuPeng, Xu Zidong, Cao Yi, Jia Jinghui, Su Junjie, Han Xiuyi, Wen Xiaowei, LvLiang, Lou Jicheng, Li Jianhua, Liu Chunfeng, Wang Heng, Zhao Haitao。

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