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英文片名: The Lobster

导演: 欧格斯-兰斯莫斯 Yorgos Lanthimos

编剧: 艾锡米斯-费利珀 Efthymis Filippou
欧格斯-兰斯莫斯 Yorgos Lanthimos

演员:蕾切尔-薇姿 Rachel Weisz (饰演 Short Sighted Woman )

蕾雅-赛杜 Léa Seydoux (饰演 Loner Leader )

柯林-法瑞尔 Colin Farrell (饰演 David )

本-威士肖 Ben Whishaw (饰演 The Limping Man)

约翰-C-赖利 John C. Reilly (饰演 Lisping Man )


类型: 喜剧 爱情 惊悚 科幻


上映时间: 土耳其 2015-10-30

更多上映时间: 土耳其 Turkey 2015年10月30日
法国 France 2015年 ...... (Cannes Film Festival) (premiere)


制作人 Produced by
Cait Collins - line producer
Joost de Vries - co-producer
Ceci Dempsey - producer
Ed Guiney - producer
Hristos Konstadakopoulos - co-producer
欧格斯-兰斯莫斯 Yorgos Lanthimos - producer
Sam Lavender - executive producer
Andrew Lowe - executive producer
Lee Magiday - producer
Leontine Petit - co-producer
泰莎-罗斯 Tessa Ross - executive producer
Carole Scotta - co-producer
Derrek Jan Warrink - co-producer
摄影 Cinematography
Thimios Bakatatakis
剪辑 Film Editing
Yorgos Mavropsaridis
艺术指导 Production Designer
Jacqueline Abrahams
美术设计 Art Direction by
Mark Kelly
服装设计 Costume Design by
Sarah Blenkinsop
视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor
Olivier Cauwet - BUF
副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director
Niamh Blanche - trainee assistant director
Roisin El Cherif - trainee assistant director
Mike Hayes - third assistant director
Lisa Kelly - second assistant director
Owen Magee - first assistant director
Stephen Rigney - trainee assistant director