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英文片名: The Children's Act

又名:The Children Act

导演: 理查德-艾尔 Richard Eyre

编剧: 伊恩-麦克尤恩 Ian McEwan

演员:斯坦利-图齐 Stanley Tucci (饰演 Jack)

艾玛-汤普森 Emma Thompson (饰演 Fiona Maye)

芬恩-怀特海德 Fionn Whitehead (饰演 Adam)

本-卓别林 Ben Chaplin (饰演 Kevin Henry)

鲁伯特-范西塔特 Rupert Vansittart (饰演 Sherwood Runcie)


类型: 剧情


上映时间: 多伦多电影节 2017-09-09


制作人 Produced by
  Glen Basner - executive producer
  Ben Browning - executive producer
  Celia Duval - co-producer
  邓肯·肯沃西 Duncan Kenworthy - producer
  Joe Oppenheimer - executive producer
  Beth Pattinson - executive producer
摄影 Cinematography
  Andrew Dunn
剪辑 Film Editing
  Daniel Farrell
原创音乐 Original Music
  斯蒂芬·沃贝克 Stephen Warbeck
艺术指导 Production Designer
  Peter Francis
美术设计 Art Direction by
  strid Sieben - supervising art director
  Darren Tubby
  Su Whitaker
视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor
  Steve Street
副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director
  Helen Fraser - second assistant director
  Alex Gavigan - Crowd Second Assistant Director
  Nic Pringle - third assistant director
  Neil Wallace - first assistant director
声音部门 Sound Department
  Peter Burgis - foley artist
  Andrew Caller - re-recording mixer
  Michael Clayton - mix technician
  Glenn Freemantle - sound design by
  Mitch Low - production sound mixer
布景师 Set Decoration by
  Sara Wan
化妆造型 Makeup Department
  Rebecca Cole - Hair & Make-up Artist
  Doone Forsyth - hair & makeup artist
  Sara Kramer - Crowd Make-up Artist
  Sarah Pickering - Crowd Make-up Artist
  Georgie Whittle - Crowd hair and makeup artist daily