

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月24日15:54  新浪娱乐


  Zhongshan, Guangdong Province. Many young off-farm workers are busy working for orders of next year. They work day after night, repeating monotonous tasks just like machines, they have to finish their tasks at the highest speed, since maximum output per unit time means that they will earn as much money as possible; but in fact, even that is rather slim. While they make numerous numbers of umbrellas in various colors and styles, they have no idea how much an umbrella earns for others.


义乌。得天独厚的地理条件使得这里有机会成为了“世界工厂”与“世界市场”接靠的最前沿。为了经济开发,农民们的土地被征用了,一些幸运者得到了可观的赔偿。其中一些在新建起来的、号称是世界最大的国际小商品市场里做着批发雨伞的生意,常常是日进斗金。他们的生活几乎彻底改变了,“农民” 似乎已经和他们的身份没有任何关系了。

  Yiwu, Zhejiang Province. Advantaged geographic location gives this city an opportunity to become the foreland connecting “World Factory” and “World Market”. Local farmers’ lands were expropriated for enhancing economic development. A few lucky local inhabitants were compensated considerably for their land loss. Some of them are engaging in umbrella wholesale business in the newly constructed gigantic building, the so-called World’s Largest Small Commodity Market. Now they are nouveaux riches, and their lifestyle has almost changed completely, there seems no longer any relationship between the term “Farmers” and their current status.


  Shanghai. The higher education has been industrialized during the Education Reform. More and more high school graduates may go to college while more farmer families seem to trap themselves in financial squeeze in order to support the expensive tuition fees of their children. Furthermore, these young college graduates have to face ruthless reality of hunting for a job in a ferocious competitive market. No job found in the city means going back to the countryside, then all their previous efforts wasted.


  PLA garrison in a Province. Many young farmers joined army, so their families no longer have to support them financially; on the contrary, they will receive soldier allowances. Comparing with young men from cities, these rural kids can stand for tough drills better. Becoming a solider is merely one of the options for a farmer to move to a different status, their ultimate goal is to change their own destiny.


  One village in Luoyang, Henan Province. All young farmers have left for working in other cities; only children, women and elder people are still living here. A serious drought happened in the harvest time of wheat, early wheat in the land have little vitality. The tireless rumble of reaping machine is reminding these poor farmers not to forget to prepare money for renting the machine. Young people returning from cities for temporary harvest assistance have left hastily again. Only an elder is talking solitarily to the camera.


  Farming has been the key means of subsistence for the Chinese since history. Nowadays, those farmers used to engage in farming have moved to the unfamiliar frontier of their life, across the whole country, covering over the basis of flourishing economic activities just like an open umbrella provides shelter for this large piece of land.

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