

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年10月08日23:37  新浪娱乐


  《传说是真的》The Legend Is Alive

  导    演:黄  卢Luu Huynh

  主    演:阮  志Dustin Tri Nguyen

  吕克巴Luc Ba Them

  金  宣 Kim Xuan

  类    型:功夫

  国    别:越南

  对    白:越南语

  时    长:95分钟

  年    度:2009年




  A youngman who exposed to orphan agent when he was an infant, stopped mentallydeveloping when he was ten years old, at which time he was kicked out of formalschool,might not have much book learning, but certainlyexcelled in his kung fu stances. When his mother dies, he is all alone in theworld and decides to return his mother‘s ashes to America. Along the way hemeets a kindly girl who is unwittingly riding towards a world of pain, tortureand humiliation in the hands of a Saigon human trafficking gang. What followsfor the next hour is the young man breaking every dirtbag face, back and flowerpot that stands in the way of saving his one and only friend in the world。

   看明星八卦、查影讯电视节目,上手机新浪网娱乐频道 ent.sina.cn

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