

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年06月27日17:52  新浪娱乐








  After a heart transplant surgery, Lin Yan found that theheart is going to make her into a different person. There is a theory of scientific discovery that human cells andtissues will have memory,so organ transplant is likely to bring the provider part of the memory. Lin Yan asks her doctor Jiang Mu for help, butJiang Mu puts all these strange things comedown to psychological pressure after transplant. Occasionally, Lin Yan passing an oldhouse, that changes everything。

  Lin Yan found her heart provider’s boyfriend,who names Ma Benke. Ma told Lin about the death of Jiang Beiyan, the heartprovider, who killed herself。

  Women in the mirror, deep asphyxia, proudly Girls, uncertain Phantom of the Opera, the midnight knock on the door so frequently exacerbate thenightmare…All the thing make Lin Yan nearly collapse. Finally, she decided to find out the truth of the memory of  heart。

  Ma immersed in his girlfriend's departure.He even treat Lin as Jiang mistakenly. AndLin found a X-birthmark which Jiang Beiyan mentioned inher diary in Jiang Mu’s arm inadvertently. Thatmeans Jiang Mu is the X。

  Finally,Jiang Mu admitted that he was X, andhe also told Lin a big secret for why he killed Jiang Beiyan. Lin

  Yan could not bearthe pain of truth. She thought of suicide。

  But the real truth is far more than that. How Lin Yan would choose?And Why Ma dying?

  The truth, is always in the mist. And the truth, is always come out at last。

(责编: sunny)

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