
艺术影院推出王全安电影展映 金熊银熊现场展出

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年08月02日10:41  新浪娱乐

  新浪娱乐讯 百老汇电影中心(微博)将于2011年8月4日至13日推出 “消逝的中国”——王全安导演的电影展映。王全安导演是中国第六代电影导演最具代表性的人物之一,也因为电影《白鹿原》的拍摄而备受关注。本次影展是中国大陆第一次集中、全面而系统地呈现王全安的电影作品。而在影展活动期间,主办方将在百老汇电影中心展出王全安在柏林电影节擒获的两座奖杯,观众将有机会在观看电影之余,近距离接触传说中“金熊”和“银熊”。





  2.语音电话购票:8438 8202







  8.4 (周四)             19:30        《团圆》 及影展开幕仪式

  8.5 (周五)             19:30        《月蚀》

  8.6 (周六)             16:00        《惊蛰》

  8.7 (周日)             19:30        《纺织姑娘》

  8.8 (周一)             19:30        《图雅的婚事》

  8.9 (周二)             19:30        《月蚀》

  8.10 (周三)            19:30        《惊蛰》

  8.11 (周四)            19:30        《纺织姑娘》

  8.12 (周五)            19:30        《团圆》    

  8.13 (周六)            19:30        《图雅的婚事》 Q&A(导演参加映后交流)




  Wang Quan’an is one ofthe most representative figures among the Six Generation Film Directors inChina. His films express a nearly documentary approachtowards the dramatic intensity in daily life. In the process of representing the daily life, Wang emphasizes on thetheatricality aspect of it, but at the same time demonstrates a kind ofrestraint in dealing with the drama, which is rarely seen in the art-housecinema of China. This contrasting approach not only allows him to extend thespectrum of expression but also wins him the recognition of achieving highpurity in art。

  This retrospective is the firstever screening event to show Wang Quan’an’s films comprehensively and systematically.Wang Quan’an’s films, starting from “Lunar Eclipse” to “Tuya’s Marriage” to “White Deer Plain”, take on a unique and coherent perspective to look at China at the point of vanishing against the drastic changingbackground. Given the absence of a discourse representing the reality in Chinesecinema, Wang’s cinema is of particular importance。

  电影资料 (中英文)

  《月蚀》 LunarEclipse

  98 Min/1999/Color/35mm

  中文对白,中英文字幕  Mandarin Chinese with Chinese and Englishsubtitles

  演员:余男(微博)、吴超  Cast: Yu Nan, Wu Chao


  Lunar Eclipse is the directorialdebut from Sixth Generation director Wang Quan’an. It is also the feature filmdebut of Wang’s most frequent collaborator Yu Nan. Unlike his next two films, whichfocus on rural communities, LunarEclipse is an urban drama following the wife of a newlywed couple (YuNan) who becomes mesmerized by an amateur photographer (Wu Chao) who claims tohave once been in love with a woman who looks just like her. This film won theJury Prize at 22nd Moscow International Film Festival in 2000 andalso took part in the Forum unit of 50th Berlin International Film Festival。

  《惊蛰》Jingzhe(The Story of Ermei)

  115 Min/2004/Color/35mm

  山西话,中英文字幕  Shanxi dialect with Chinese and English subtitles

  演员:余男、闫粟、刘彦兵、史小霞  Cast: Yu Nan, YanSu, Liu Yanbing, Shi Xiaoxia



  tells the story of a woman named Ermei (played byYu Nan), in rural China struggles to find a life of her own as circumstancesconspire against her. Jingzhe wasscreened in several international film festivals throughout 2004, including theBerlin International Film Festival on February 10, 2004, where it was part ofthe “Panorama” program。

  《图雅的婚事》Tuya’s Marriage 

  96 Min/2006/Color/35mm

  中文对白,中英文字幕  Mandarin Chinese with Chinese and English subtitles


  Cast: Yu Nan, Ba Te Er Sen Ge, Peng Hongxiang


  Tuya's Marriage tells the storyof a reserved Mongolian bride diagnosed with a debilitating back injuryenters into an unusual agreement with her disabled husband. Tuya and her husband, who agree to divorce in the hopeof finding a husband who will be prepared to look after both of them and theirchildren. Wrenching and beautiful, Tuya'sMarriage is the indelible portrait of a strong woman determined to save herfamily, herself and their ancient way of life. This film won Golden Bear at the57th Berlin International Film Festival in 2007.

  《纺织姑娘》Weaving Girl

  100 Min/2008 /Color/35mm

  中文对白,中英文字幕  Mandarin Chinese with Chinese and English subtitles

  演员:余男、郭涛(微博)  Cast: Yu Nan, Guo Tao


  As Director Wang Quan’an’s fourth featurefilm, Weaving Girl tells a story of awoman, who was diagnosed with cancer and unable to afford treatment, decided toleave her unhappy marriage and searched for her first love in Beijing. Althoughit initially seems to be an indictment of working conditions in China, the filmends up showing the unpredictability of human life and how a small characterstruggles to survive against big odds. This film was the winner of the SpecialGrand Prize of the Jury and the FIPRESCI (International Film Critics) Award atthe 33rd Montreal Film Festival in 2009.

  《团圆》Apart Together

  98 Min/2010/Color/35mm   

  普通话和上海方言,中英文字幕  Mandarin Chinese and Shanghai dialect with English subtitles

  演员:卢燕、凌峰、徐才根  Cast: Lisa Lu, Ling Feng,Xu Caigen


  Wang Quan’an’s fifth film Apart Together is another variation ofhis recurrent set-up of one woman flirting with two husbands (or boyfriends),torn between obligation and love (or attraction). A former nationalist Soldierwho fled mainland China in 1949 returns home to his family years later. But hiswife has a new common law husband and he has never met his son before. Smallin scope but tightly structured, gracefully acted and directed, this film opensup deep historical wounds and generational traumas created by China’s civilwar, but does not press on them, exploring instead more universal humandilemmas lightened by scrumptious culinary episodes. As the open film at the 60thBerlin International Film Festival, ApartTogether won the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay award。

(责编: 田野)

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