

http://www.sina.com.cn  2012年05月21日07:46  新浪娱乐微博

  To his(Louye's)credit, he makes great use of the dreary urban locations and gray, rainyweather. While it's not the cheeriest place, the hand-held cinematography andlocations fully immerse the audience in a Chinese neo-noir wasteland. He alsolevels some pointed criticism at modern Chinese society and institutions, mostobviously a in a bit where the rich kid from the car accident pays off thepolice to get himself off the hook for reckless driving. The fact that Chinaapproved the film is actually one of its more interesting aspects. (CannesReview) 


  It’s rare to see an official Chinese movie that takes such a stark look atlife today. Setin the rain-drenched city of Wuhan, Lou shows us an urban world of web andtext-obsessed people, fast cars, designer fashions and Starbucks that could beany western city。


  来自 Twitter网友的评论:

  "Mystery"by Lou Ye was fantastic. One of my favorites so far at the festival. It left mewith questions! #Cannes


  Saw a reallyamazing film in the Cannes Uncertain Regard category called,"Mystery" directed by Lou Ye。


  #Cannes Mystery: aninteresting and surprisingly entertaining thriller from Ye Lou


  Mystery byLou Ye was a piece on jealousy more than a murder mystery. Now Fatih Akin film#Cannes


  Mystery:wholly depressing art-thriller about couples & cheating. Great use ofchinese Beethoven! #cannes 

  Mystery: 极其悲壮的惊悚三角关系艺术片,出色的中国版贝多芬的运用!

(责编: sunny)


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