影音娱乐 新浪首页 > 影音娱乐 > 明星全接触 >正文


http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年06月01日12:23 新浪娱乐

  Child Star: The Shirley Temple Story (2001)

  Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001)

  Hollywood Legends: Elizabeth Taylor and Shirley Temple (2001)

  72nd Annual Academy Awards Pre-Show (2000)

  AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars (1999)

  Fox Studios Australia: The Grand Opening (1999)

  第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 70th Annual Academy Awards, The (1998)

  Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997)

  影舞者 That's Dancing! (1985)

  Love Goddesses, The (1965)

  校园长春树 Mr. Belvedere Goes to College (1949)

  Story of Seabiscuit, The (1949)

  要塞风云 Fort Apache (1948)

  单身汉与时髦女郎 Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The (1947)

  I'll Be Seeing You (1945)

  自君别后 Since You Went Away (1944)

  青鸟 Blue Bird, The (1940)

  小公主 Little Princess, The (1939)

  百老汇小姐 Little Miss Broadway (1938)

  桑尼布鲁克农场的丽贝卡 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938)

  海蒂童心 Heidi (1937)

  威莉·温基 Wee Willie Winkie (1937)

  一月船长 Captain January (1936)

  涟漪 Dimples (1936)

  可怜的富家小姑娘 Poor Little Rich Girl (1936)

  偷渡者 Stowaway (1936)

  小上校 Little Colonel, The (1935)

  Curly Top (1935)

  小叛逆 Littlest Rebel, The (1935)

  Baby Take a Bow (1934)

  亮眼睛 Bright Eyes (1934)

  小麻烦 Little Miss Marker (1934)

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