华盈星“梦幻电影工程”全球征集商业电影项目(2)http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月11日15:49 新浪娱乐
5国际化的主创阵容;有拟请导演、主演名单; International creating team; the list of planning director and main actors. 6预估项目总预算(含导演及主要演员片酬)在5000万—4亿人民币之间; The total budget ( including the fee for director and main actors) is between 50 million and 400 million RMB. 7项目自身已有20%资金。 The project itself has got ready of 20% funds. 具备以上条件者请将如下文件发送至电子信箱: starrychina@126.com If you has all above conditions ready, please send following documents to starrychina@gmail.com 13000字以上故事大纲及完整剧本(最好已进行剧本版权注冊); more than 3000 letters of story synopsis and completed script( you’d better has register the script’s copy right) 2主创阵容名单; list of the main creating team 3项目所有人详细联系方式; the detailed contacting method of the owner of the project. 4剧本作者关于剧本版权所属的书面说明(扫描电子版) the script writer’s written introduction(scanning ) of the copy right of the script. 如果您的项目通过我们的初选,我们会及时通知您面谈,届时请您向我们提供如下文件: If your project get over our first interview, we will announce you as soon as possible and then please offer us the following documents: 120%资金已到位的资金证明或与投资方的合作合同; The cooperation contract with the investor and the proof of funds of the 20% funds. 2剧本版权证明原件; The proof of the script’s copy right. 3故事图 Storyboard; 4市场定位分析 Marketing Strategy; 5详细预算及详细拍摄、制作计划; detailed budget and plan of shooting and production.
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