华盈星“创意电影工程”全球征集创意电影项目http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月11日15:50 新浪娱乐
华盈星国际影业投资(北京)有限公司是一家以电影项目开发、电影投资、电影制作、电影发行为主要业务的专业电影公司,计划在5年内投资10亿人民币拍摄50部以上以欧洲和北美为主要发行平台的创意电影。现面向全球征集优质创意电影项目。公司对项目的要求如下: Huayingxing International Film Property Investment(BJ) Co. Ltd is a company which major at movie project developing, movie investment, movie production, movie distribution and plan to invest 1 billion RMB in 5 years to shoot more than 50 movies which take North America and Europe as the main distribution market. Now we are welcoming any good commercial movie project from all over the world. Following are the requirements: 1 题材与中国有关; 精彩独特的电影故事;具有全球化的主题;剧本富有新意;有明确清晰的风格定位、叙事方事独特或有新意,人文色彩浓郁;题材不限; The material is about China and the story should be wonderful which including a global topic. The script is creative, the style is outstanding and the method of telling the story is fresh and has a cultural elements, there is no limit for the type. 2影片80%以上景点能在中国拍摄; 80% of the location should be in China. 3剧本能通过中国大陆电影局审查; The script can go through the mainland movie department. 4已完成成熟完善专业的中英文剧本(好莱坞剧本格式)、故事大纲及详细专业的制作预算(不含导演及主要演员片酬); The mature Chinese-English script has been finished( the form of Hollywood script), the summary and detailed professional production budget( no include director and the main actors fee). 5有拟请导演
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