

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月03日22:36  新浪娱乐

  RAO:The public was furious at the time. Did you expect that sort of a backlash?

  CHEN:Uhh...No,No, because I believed I was a victim. I believed that I was hurt by this a lot. I believed that.I knew that I had nothing to do with the spreading of these photos.

  RAO:You don't believe you did anything wrong?

  CHEN:I can't say I didn't do anything wrong. I own up to my mistake of being careless and not really, not really understanding something before I would allow something to happen, something to happen you know, I didn't really understand that. I admit I was wrong. I've admitted that I was wrong and I wouldn't say sorry if I wasn't wrong.

  RAO:Tell me about the moment that you realized that these photos were everywhere.

  CHEN:I was shocked. I was in disbelief. Someone called me. I was sleeping in the morning.

  RAO: What'd they say?

  CHEN:She said have you checked the internet yet? You should go check the internet. I go, man, I'm just sleeping please just. you really need to go to this web site and look at it right now. I looked at the website and I almost.I don't even know how to put it in words. I don't even know how to put that feeling in words. It was like everything just got sucked out of me and I was like looking and I was like 'wow' this is so.Where?! What?! When?! How?! Confusion, like, what to do? Oh my god my family! Oh my god my girlfriend! Oh my god my career! Oh my god the girls! Oh the press is going to have a field day. I have to fix this problem as soon as possible. That was the first day when 2 or 3 photos were out only, so imagine by the 800th photo how I was feeling. It was like a nightmare that never ended. It never ended. I would go to bed and I would pray, I would pray please, please God, today please be the last day. I pray I'll do anything. You know. Anything. Please today.

  I'm not the person to ever commit suicide though, so I've never been there. I think that committing suicide is giving up on not only yourself, but the people that love you, and at that moment I had so many people caring for me that that was never an option. Never.

  RAO:Cecilia Cheung accused you of being a hypocrite and a fraud. She said that you turned your phone off and that you ignored her while this whole thing was going on. What would you say to her now if you had the chance?

  CHEN:I would, you know, I don't really want to have a back and forth with her, which is why I didn't really comment on what she had said before. I hope that she can understand that, you know, I really do feel sorry. I really am sorry to her. I'm sorry to everyone involved, but you know,at a certain time and a certain point in everyone's life you get caught up in things. And I was just caught up in the whole mix. I was at the center of the storm. What she wants to say I'll let her say it because in a certain sense some of the responsibility is in my hands and maybe in her world I'm the only one who was wrong.

  RAO:When was the last time that you spoke to any of them?

  CHEN:Umm...I can't recall.not recently.

  RAO: Before the scandal?

  CHEN:Definitely before the scandal.

  RAO: You haven't spoken to any of them since?


  RAO: Because you couldn't find them or because you didn't want to?

  CHEN:Umm...you know.initially it was because I couldn't find them. Secondly, it was because I didn't really know how to approach and really what to say to be honest with you. I would have liked to call them and say sorry, but at the same time, you know, I hope that when the trial was over they would actually know I didn't do this on purpose. That's why I waited for that trial to end for forever. It was like a calendar mark that had no day, you know, and umm, you know if I can see them. I don't wanna...like speaking on the phone. I feel like it loses a lot of the integrity of the emotion. I think that like it's like some people say, you know, we break up over the phone it's one of the worst things, right? And I feel like if I apologize over the phone it might not seem sincere and it might not seem real.

  RAO:Well careers are in shreds and engagements been broken, some would say even lives have been ruined. If any of the women were to come to you and say, listen, I wanna talk about this, you know, I wanna just get this all straight. Would you be open to that?

  CHEN:Definitely. If we're going to sit down as two adults and really suss it out, I'm open, I'm open to it, but judging from the way they've done their interviews I don't think that, you know, they have every right to be angry. I don't want this to come across as I'm saying something about them, but I don't think that they're, they can sit down and have a constructional conversation with me quite yet.

  RAO:Do you think this time in your life will always stay with you?

  CHEN:Even if I didn't want it to, it would. I've tried to move on with my life and I think that, you know, it's kind of like forgive and not forget, but it's like I want to forget too. Cause I've had to forgive myself, I mean you know, the person I was angry at most was myself, you know, I was most unhappy with myself. I had to learn to deal with myself. I had to go home and look at myself in the mirror and see what kind of man I am. And, you know, I come to learn to come to terms with myself. I feel more comfortable as the Edison now than I was the Edison before, and I don't know how that makes people feel, but you know, I'm just being real and I'm just being honest.

  RAO:Edison, it really can't have been easy for you to talk so openly about this, so I do thank you very much indeed for sitting down with us today.

  CHEN:Thank you.

  - End-

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