

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月24日21:31  新浪娱乐

  Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey

  Development of human material civilization has brought about vast fortunes and opportunities. However, various concerns keep on aggravating and emerging as a result of disruption of ecological balance, rich-poor polarization and belief crisis. As one Chinese proverb goes,"Be disciplined when poor and be generous to the others when getting rich."More and more governments, social elites and caring people are devoting themselves to the cause of public charities. However, construction of the global harmony can not be achieved only by the enthusiasm of one individual,one organization or even one country. To promote establishment of the social responsibility of global stars and the international cooperation in the area of public charities, the Survey Program on Public Image of Global Stars covering aspects of entrepreneurs, sports stars and performing stars, etc. has emerged as the times require. The social responsibility and public charity will add to the respect of the celebrities’public image, while a respected star will further influence more ordinary people. Hence, the proposed survey is an attempt to build a communication platform for various national governments, stars, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, research institutes and news media, to advocate equity and justice, develop the charity culture, support public welfare behavior of the private sector and push forward construction of harmonious society.   

  As an integral part of the "Global Star Campaign", the satisfaction survey on public image of the global performing celebrities (called "Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey" for short) is fully based upon collection of the public views through survey, which is the only honor with real reflection of the consumer expectation and perception of performers’ public images and is widely recognized by Chinese and foreign media as "Award of public praise rewarded by ordinary people"。

  Hosted by the authority media "Global Talents" specialized in reporting of global elites, the proposed survey originates from the experience and model of "Satisfaction Survey on Public Image of Chinese Performing Celebrities" and is jointly undertaken by China amusement survey authoritative agency  Lansion International Survey through invitation of other international authoritative organs of survey from the USA, the UK, France, Japan and Korea. Through sample collection and analysis of six hundreds film and TV actors and actresses, singers and dancers in 21 representative countries and regions in the world, the survey aims at pushing more performing talents to the stage of the most respected people in the world in the form of survey and awarding of honor. Despite short establishment of this award, our satisfaction survey has become an eye-catching event of public praise award for the performers in the world, for there have been no other similar awards of social responsibility and public image in China and other countries so far. To date, Declaration on Self-discipline of Social Responsibility by Global Performing Celebrities advocated by Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey has been signed by performers from more than 60 countries on their own initiatives, which shall be of index significance for the international performing circle, in particular for the public image. 

  The name of Huading Award originates from its connotations. Hua (irradiancy meaning beauty and fascination)in Huading award, is derived from a poem titled with"A Hymn of Auspicious Cloud" composed by an ancient Chinese poet, which says "the irradiancy of sun and moon shines the earth forever",in Chinese indicating beauty and fascination and also a symbol of heavens and earth; Ding (tripod meaning prosperity)in Huading award is derived from Chinese idioms "mealtime accompanied by music and big tripod full of delicious food" and "A word is worth the weight of nine tripods" (tripod: a heavy vessel to cook and contain food in ancient China。),expressing peace, development and prosperity. Tripod is not only the witness of civilization but also a carrier of culture, which, in combination with Hua, expresses the human hope to create a more prosperous and peaceful century. As an honor of public image, "Huading" also conforms to the trend of credibility in the global performing circle and the business sector。

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