

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月24日21:34  新浪娱乐

  Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey Jury

  An international jury panel will be established for Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey by inviting 20 to 30 directors, scriptwriters, performers, scholars, experts and senior diplomatists, etc., who are engaged in the areas of news reporting, film production, music, dancing and fine arts at applicable international film and TV associations, musicians unions, dance associations, foreign media organization offices in China and foreign embassies, to act as the senior judges. The term of office for members of the jury shall be one year for each session and it shall not exceed five consecutive sessions for one identical position. The main competency for selection and engagement of the jury members is their contribution to the performing cause, representativeness and referrals of at least two sitting jury members. Meanwhile, there will be a board of supervisors to supervise justness of the survey. There is a secretary general under Huading award jury with duties to drive the jury events.     

  The main duties for the international jury panel of Huading Award global satisfaction survey include eligibility review of candidature performers for each session of satisfaction survey, attendance of the review meetings of "World Top 10 Performers of Public Images" and "Annual Global Top Honor of Achievement" and other special review meetings。

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