

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月24日21:58  新浪娱乐

  Honor settings for Huading Award Satisfaction Survey

  Annually there are sixteen regular awards in Huading global satisfaction survey, including: actor of annual global top honor of achievement, actress of annual global top honor of achievement, world top performer of commercial value honor, world top 10 performers of public image, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of Chinese performing celebrities, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of American performing celebrities, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of British performing celebrities, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of French performing celebrities, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of Japanese performing celebrities, first prize of satisfaction survey on public images of Korean performing celebrities, China top 10 performers of public image performance, US top 10 performers of public image performance, UK top 10 performers of public image performance, France top 10 performers of public image performance, Japan top 10 performers of public image performance and Korea top 10 performers of public image performance。

  Huading Award of Annual Global Top Honor of Achievement

  Actor and actress with total scores ranking first respectively in the annual Huading Award Satisfaction Survey will be nominated as the candidates of “Huading Award of Annual Global Honor of Top Achievement”, who, after having been adopted by the jury panel of Huading Award Global Satisfaction Survey, will be presented with awards to reflect their contributions。

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