2007年03月28日13:46 网友来稿
《星影流金——张国荣电影回顾系列(三)》电影放映会 放映电影: 《星月童话》 《流星语》 《枪王》 《异度空间》 放映日期: 3月31日 - 4月1日 放映时间: 快将公布 (将不会和研讨会及晚会撞期) 影院: MCL JP铜锣湾戏院 (香港铜锣湾百德新街 22-36号翡翠明珠广场) 购票方法: Red Mission只会为持Red Mission 会员卡之内地及海外会员提供优先订票服务, 香港会员请于公开发售时自行购票. 有关详情,请密切留意我们的公告. 《YESTERDAY ONCE MORE - A RETROSPECT OF LESLIE CHEUNG"S MOVIE CLASSICS)》Movie Screen Event Movies to be shown: Moonlight Express The Kid Double Tap Inner Senses Screening Time: 31/3 - 1/4 Screening Time: to be announced soon (no time clash with seminar and night event) Cinema: MCL JP Cinema (23-26 Paterson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong) Ticket Ordering: Red Mission will only reserve tickets for mainland china and overseas fans holding Red Mission membership card. For HK members, please buy tickets from cinema directly when the ticket sale is available. Please keep an eye on our upcoming notice about the event details. 《星影流金——张国荣电影回顾系列(三)》电影放映会 放映电影时间表: Movie Screening Schedule 31/3 (SAT六) 上午10:00am 流星语 The Kid (110 分钟mins) 31/3 (SAT六) 晚上9:30pm 异度空间 Inner Senses (100 分钟mins) 1/4 (SUN日) 上午10:10am 星月童话 Moonlight Express (101 分钟mins) 1/4 (SUN日) 中午12:30pm 枪王 Double Tap (94 分钟mins) 影院Cinema: MCL JP铜锣湾戏院 (香港铜锣湾百德新街 22-36号翡翠明珠广场) MCL JP Cinema (23-26 Paterson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong) 票价Ticket Price: HK$60 购票方法: Red Mission只会为持Red Mission 会员卡之内地及海外会员提供优先订票服务, 香港会员请于公开发售时自行购票。 Ticket Ordering: Red Mission will only reserve tickets for mainland china and overseas fans holding Red Mission membership card. For HK members, please buy tickets from cinema directly when the ticket sale is available. 有关详情,请密切留意我们的公告。 Please keep an eye on our upcoming notice about the event details。
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