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《美国偶像》二强表演 本季冠军呼之欲出(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2006年05月24日09:30 新浪娱乐


  新浪娱乐讯 美FOX台本季《美国偶像》总决赛——二强表演北京时间今早播出,21岁的女选手Katharine McPhee和29岁的男选手Taylor Hicks每人演唱三首歌曲,其中包括一首为他们量身定做的新歌。

  今早节目一开始,裁判Simon Cowell就“不安好心”地给出了自己对选手们的“建议”,“I would suggest that the contestants pray that the other one forgets the w
ords.”……Katharine表演的第一首歌曲是“Black Horse In The Cherry Tree”。Randy觉得Katharine比她第一次唱这首歌的时候表现好多了;Paula也觉得Katharine为当晚的比赛开了一个好头。至于Simon Cowell,他则给出了一个吝啬的正评价,“Kat, I'll give that a good with a small g.”

  Taylor的第一首歌是“Living For The City”。Randy大喊着,“America that's a hot one right there.”Paula也很激动,“Way to go, way to open up the show.”Simon总结陈词,判定这二强第一轮的较量Taylor“胜出”,“It was a great way to start the show. It was a smart choice of song. It's arguable the worst jacket I've ever seen in my life, but what do I know. Let me tell you, round one to you.”

  Katharine的第二首歌是“Somewhere Over The Rainbow”。Randy觉得Katharine表现得很好,“Check it out, you worked it out again.”Paula交口称赞,“You've made everyone proud, and every little girl proud who wants to dream and aspire to be you. Congratulations, you owned it up there.”这一次,Simon Cowell也大方地给出了高评价,“I truly believe this was your best performance of the competition so far, you're back in the game.”

  Taylor的第二首歌是“Levon”。Randy皱眉道,“It was a little pitchy for me.”Paula跳出来反驳Randy,“I think what may be pitchy for you is the essence of who Taylor is.”Simon开始总结第二轮“战况”,“I think you walked the first round. I think Katharine has taken the second round, and I think it’s all to play for.”

  Katharine的第三首歌名为“My Destiny”。Randy喜欢整个表演,但不喜欢这首歌曲,“You look amazing, you sounded really good, I did not love the song.”Paula则对Katharine怜爱有加,“Listen that is not your fault Katharine, because you are brilliant!”Simon的评价“不痛不痒”,“In my opinion, you went from brilliant to quite good in one song.”

  当晚节目的最后一首歌是Taylor的“Do I Make You Proud”。Randy说,“Based on the song, I think this is a slightly better song, but you know what I love about you, what I've always loved about you since day one, you know who Taylor Hicks is, and no matter what the song is, you know how to make it into a Taylor Hicks' vehicle.”Paula对Randy的一番评价表示赞同,“I couldn't agree with Randy more.”Simon则绕了个弯吐露了这一轮“较量”中自己对Taylor的倾爱,“Taylor, ok, assuming that I was right that the show was tied, then you just won American Idol.”




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