走火(Scott Bell)
The greatest fire walking distance was achieved by Scott Bell (UK) when he walked 76.2 m (250 ft) over embers with a temperature of between 543 – 601?C (1009 – 1114?F) at Belah Primary School in Carlisle, UK on 28 January 2006.
抓箭(Anthony Kelly)
Anthony Kelly (Australia) caught 34 arrows by hand in two minutes standing at a distance of 8 m (26 ft) from two archers on the set of 'Lo Show dei Record' in Milan, Italy on 5 January 2006.
弗拉门戈(Sandra Guerrero)
fastest flamenco dancer
腰最细的人(Cathie Young)
smallest waist
最矮的特技演员(Kiran Jethalal Shah)
Shortest stuntman
泡泡大师(Ana Yang)
Fan Yang of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada created a bubble wall 47.7 m (156 ft) in length, 4 m (13 ft) in height, with an area of approximately 371.6 m?(4,000 ft?) at the Kingdome Pavillion, Seattle, Washington, USA on 11 August 1997. The bubble stayed up continuously for 5-10 seconds.
Fan Yang (Canada) was able to interlink nine soap bubbles to make one long chain on the set of Guinness Rekord TV, Stockholm, Sweden, on 27 November 2001.
The world record for the most people inside a soap bubble is 22 and was achieved by Fan Yang (Canada) on the set of ‘Guinness World Records – El Show De Los Records in Madrid, Spain on 25 May 2006.
Soap bubble artist Fan Yang (Canada) set the world record for most soap bubble domes created inside one another with 12 at the studios of Guinness World Records , Helsinki, Finland on 20 October 2001.
吹火(Timothy Black)
Tim Black (Australia) was able to blow a flame to a height of 5.4 m (17 ft 8.52 in) on the set of Guinness World Records, Seven Network Studios, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, on 19 June 2005.
头砸西瓜(Leonardo d'Andrea)
Leonardo D'Andrea (Italy) smashed 36 watermelons with his head in one minute on the set of 'Lo Show dei Record' in Milan, Italy on 5 January 2006.
Fastest Escape From Handcuffs最快的手铐逃脱
Fastest Escape From A Straitjacket最快的紧身衣逃脱
Highest Strait Jacket Escape高空紧身衣逃脱
Fastest Inverted Straight Jacket Escape反穿紧身衣逃脱
Fastest Escape From Handcuffs While Under Water水下最快的手铐逃脱
牙顶摩托车(Frank Simon)
balancing motorcycle with teeth
钢琴表演(Robert Wells)
自行车180度跳(Kenny Belaey)
most 180 degree jumps in one minute
身体最柔软的人(Daniel Browning Smith)
The fastest time to enter a locked strait jacket is 2 min 8 sec, by Daniel Smith (USA) on 16 August 1999 in Hollywood, California, USA on the set of Guinness World Records: Primetime
脚射弩(Ross and Elisa)
shooting arrows