资料:中视影视制作有限公司中英文简介http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月14日10:52 新浪娱乐
一、公司简介 公司名称: 中视影视制作有限公司 公司性质: 有限责任公司 注册资本: 5000 万元人民币 成立时间: 2003 年 8 月 经营场所: 海淀区羊坊店路9号京门大厦 法人代表: 高建民(系中国国际电视总公司常务副总裁) 主要股东: 中国国际电视总公司占76%股份,中央电视台占24%股份。 经营范围: 负责各类影视节目的策划、投资、拍摄和制作,通过市场运作方式向中央电视台及海内外各种电视媒体提供精品电视剧、大型纪录片、专题片等;与优秀的影视演员、导演、制片人、编剧等签约,代理演员经纪。 经营业绩: 已拍摄40余部1000余集题材多样、风格各异的电视剧:《大宋提刑官》(52集,古装悬疑推理)、《范府大院》(41集,其他历史)、《西圣地》(20集,现代)、《炊事班的故事2》(23集,当代军旅喜剧)、《杨靖宇将军》(28集,重大革命历史)、《欢乐农家》(22集,当代农村)、《离婚女人》(22集,现实)等; 已被中央台收购20余部500余集电视剧:《大宋提刑官》、《家风》、《范府大院》《大清御史》、《西圣地》、《趟过女人河的男人》、《杨靖宇将军》、《月牙与阳光》、《前门楼子九丈九》、《士官不是官》、《你是苹果我得梨》、《尘世笑谈》、《第一种危机》等; 在中央台一套或八套播出10余部400余集电视剧:《将装修进行到底》、《炊事班的故事2》、《大宋提刑官》、《杨门女将》、《滴血玫瑰》、《欢乐农家》、《杨靖宇将军》、《趟过女人河的男人》、《大清御史》、《前门楼子九丈九》、《家风》、《西圣地》、《第一种危机》、《爱的错位》、《水浒少年》等。 已在地方台播出的电视剧:《离婚女人》、《家庭档案》、《江湖俏佳人》、《当婚姻走到尽头》等。 2006年制作中的10余部400余集电视剧:革命题材的《兵变,1938》、《那时花开》(blog)(blog);当代农村题材的《柳树屯》、《黄河那道弯》;当代军阿警题材的《交警五个半》、《中国维和警察》、《天啸》;当代都市题材的《甜蜜的烦恼》、《快乐电信街》;古装和其他历史题材的《卧薪尝胆》(blog)、《大宋提刑官续》、《粉墨王侯》、《大河颂》、《明宫夕照》、《大阿哥溥俊》等。 获奖情况:《炊事班的故事2》获2003年中国电视剧飞天奖优秀系列剧奖。《杨门女将》获2004年中国电视剧飞天奖优秀戏曲奖;《欢乐农家》获2005年中国电视剧飞天奖优秀系列剧奖。 2007年4月,41集电视连续剧《卧薪尝胆》(blog)获得第47届蒙特卡洛国际电视节戏剧类最佳电视连续剧提名。同时,该剧制片人俞胜利获得杰出制片人提名,该剧主演获得杰出男、女演员提名。 联系地址:海淀区羊坊店路9号京门大厦(100038) 联系电话:010-63972977 51862780 联 系 人:崔丽伟 二、公司定位目标: 电视剧生产方面:抓住好的题材,精心策划,全力打造精品,扩大公司品牌和影响。联合中央电视台与社会上制作力量,采取不同形式,形成规模生产,集约化经营,为中央电视台和节目市场提供优秀节目。 影视经纪方面:将以良好的机制,吸收和吸引社会专业影视创作人员加盟,通过有计划的商业策划和演员包装活动,提升签约演员的知名度和价值,塑造良好的品牌形象。吸纳优秀导演、编剧、制片人、演员等专业影视人才,投资制作出思想性、艺术性和观赏性都比较好的低成本、高利润的影视节目。 三、公司理念: 开拓创新 打造精品 服务观众 四、公司优势: 我们拥有业内早已熟知的出色的制片人、拥有充满活力的制作队伍,拥有丰富的制作经验,拥有充足的经济实力,拥有电视剧最广阔的播出平台,每年拥有向中央电视台一套、八套和全国各省、市电视剧输出数百部集以上电视剧的能力。 China Film & Television Production Co. Ltd. Introduction:Company Name: China Film & Television Production Corporation. Company Type: Limited LiabilityRegistered Capital: 50 Million YuanYear of Establishment: August 2003Company Address: F/8; Section 2, No.9 Yangfangdian Road, Haidian District Beijing 100038, ChinaLegal Person: Gao Jianmin (Who is also deputy executive president of China International TV Corporation)Major Shareholders: China International TV Corporation (76%), CCTV (24%) Business Scope: Through marketing mechanisms, CITVC plans, invests, films, produces and distributes top level TV series, documentary films and feature films to CCTV and other domestic and overseas TV stations; Contract top level actors, actress, directors, producers and screenwriters; Agent to actors and actresses.Outstanding Achievement: We have produced more than 40 series, over 1000 of episodes of various. TV dramas: 《 Dead Men Do Tell Tales 》(52 episodes, historical and suspenseful reasoning drama);《Fan’s Grand House》(41 episodes, other historical drama);《The Precious Land in the West》(20 episodes, modern drama);《Stories of Cafeteria Class 2》(23 episodes; modern military comedy);《General Yang Jingyu》(28 episodes; important revolution history);《Happy Farmers》(22 episodes; modern countryside drama);《The Divorced Woman》(22 episodes; reality drama); etc.Over 5000 episodes of 20 dramas have been purchased by CCTV: 《 Dead Men Do Tell Tales》、《Family Manners》、《Fan’s Grand House》、《Grand Censor in Qing Dynasty》、《The Precious Land in the West》、《Man Among Women》、《General Yang Jingyu》、《Moonlight and Sunshine》、《The First Crises》, etc.Over 400 episodes of 10 dramas have been shown by CCTV:《Keep going of Decoration》、《Stories of Cafeteria Class 2》、《Dead Men Do Tell Tales 2》、《Great Women of The Yang’s》、《Bloody Rose》、《Happy Farmers》、《General Yang Jingyu》、《Man Among Women》、《General Yang Jingyu》、《Family Manners》、《The First Crises》, etc. Dramas shown on local TV channels:《The Divorced Woman》、《Family Files》、《Beauties in Jiang Hu》《When Marriage Comes to The End》, etc.We have produced more than 400 episodes of 10 dramas: 《Change, 1938》 and 《When the Flowers Bloom》 about revolution topics; 《Liu Shu Village》 and 《Corner of the Yellow River》 about modern countryside content; 《Five and a half Traffic Policemen》 and 《China Peacekeepers》 about modern military topics; 《Sweet Troubles》 and 《Happy Mail Street》 about modern cities; 《Hard Times》、Dead Men Do Tell Tales 2》、《Lighting of Sunset in Ming Palace》, etc. Price Winner:《Stories of Cafeteria Class 2》—Outstanding TV Series of China TV Apsaras,2003; 《Great Women of The Yang’s》—Outstanding Dramatic Series of China TV Apsaras,2003; 《Happy Farmers》—Outstanding TV Series of China TV Apsaras,2005. The 41-episode TV series 《The Great Revival》 won the nomination as the Best TV Series in the Drama Category in the 47th Monte Carlo International TV Festival in April, 2007. The producer of it, Mr Yu Shengli, was nominated as the Outstanding Producer. The hero and the heroine of it were nominated as the outstanding actor and the outstanding actress separately.Address: No.9 Yangfangdian Road, Haidian District Beijing (100038)Phone: 010-63972977 51862780Contact: Cui Liwei Target:TV series producing: Pay attention on excellent subjects and try our best to make them as competitive products to enlarge the influence and brand name of our company. Unite CCTV and other local production companied to produce various of memorable TV dramas. By efficient management provides excellent TV series to CCTV and the whole market.Agent to actors and actresses: To attract profession producers and writers by well-organizing. Through planned schemes and advertisements to actors and actresses, they are well-known to the public, as well as accepted by the public. Directors, writers, producers and actors/actresses are welcomed and we try to produce not only artistic but also commercial TV dramas with low budget and high profits. Idea:Pioneering to the market; Producing competitive products; Serving the publicAdvantage:We have the best producers, teams full of energy, rich experiences, sufficient fund support, and the broadest broadcasting channels and provide hundreds of episodes to CCTV Channel 1 and Channel 8, as well as to other national TV stations.
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