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学生Joshua Henderson简介(附图)

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐


  今年16岁,来自田纳西州。现在担任Curb青年交响乐团首席小提琴。之前曾经担任过乐队二提琴首席,以及室内乐团首席。曾经获得很多奖项和荣誉,包括室内乐和乐队演奏的比赛。现在也是辛辛那提音乐学院丝塔琳弦乐预科班的一员,跟随Kurt Sassmannshaus教授学习。作为预科班一员,曾参加了丝塔琳弦乐队伦敦及欧洲巡演,并与辛辛那提室内乐团合作担任独奏。

  Joshua Henderson, 16, is a resident of Nashville, Tennessee. Currently he is concertmaster of the Curb Youth Symphony (formerly Nashville Youth Symphony). He is also the former principle second violin of the Augusta Youth Symphony, and former concertmaster of the Davidson Chamber Orchestra. Joshua has participated in numerous competitions and received many awards

  and honors, including, winning the 2nd violin division of the 2001 Magellan String Quartet competition, 3rd place prize at the 2001 Augusta symphony concerto competition, a finalist at the 2002 Lynn University concerto competition, and 3rd place prize in the 2004 Mississippi Symphony Young Artists competition, among others. Joshua is a member of the Starling Chamber Orchestra of the University of Cincinnati college-conservatory of music. He commutes to Cincinnati to study with Prof. Kurt Sassmannshaus. As a member of the orchestra, he has participated in their tours to London and Europe and their performance on "From the Top". He has performed as soloist with the Starling Chamber orchestra as well as members of the college conservatory in concerto showcases, and has also been a soloist with the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. Recently Joshua played the solo violin part in the world premiere of Dr. Trevor Weston's, "The People Could Fly" in conjunction with the opening of the National Underground

  Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati. Joshua has also attended the Aspen Music Festival and School since the summer of 2002, where he studies with Mr. Sassmannshaus. Previous teachers include Carole Cowan, Carl Purdy, and Scott Cole.

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