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http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年07月01日17:08 新浪娱乐



  一直担任澳门青年交响乐团首席,入读香港演艺学院成为马忠为教授的门生,现为该校弦乐系大学学位二年级学生。并担任香港演艺学院学生会主席。曾参与Charles Castleman 、Anne Shis和 Penderecki String Quarte等大帅班。2005年担任演艺学院歌剧乐团首席。亦是三项奖学金得主。

  John Ma Pou Mang

  John was born in 18 April 1983 in Macau. He started learning the violin since 1992 and Wong Ka was his first teacher. He passed the Royal Music School Grade 8 Violin Examination in 1996. He won numbers of champions in the Macau Youth Music Competition (1994-2000). He was chosen as the Macau representative in a music competition in Protugal and Lisboa Youth Orchestra Annual Concert in July and December of 1998. He has worked with the Macau Chamber Orchestra and Macau Youth Symphony Orchestraas as a soloist.

  After he had finished his secondary school, he continued his violin playing and worked with Professor Michael Ma in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He is a Bachelor of Music Year 2 student and the chairman of Music School Student Association in 2005. He was playing in different master classes including Charles Castleman, Anne Shis and Penderecki String Quartet. He is the concert master of the Academy Opera Symphony Orchestra and also the winner of 3 different scholarship in 2005.

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