

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年07月01日16:44  新浪娱乐

  当代活跃在国际舞台的著名小提琴演奏家。在最近与美国亚特兰大交响乐团、辛辛纳提交响乐团、圣路易斯交响乐团的合作演出,多次被美国国家广播电台实况录音并播出;被称为:“…一个年轻而杰出的小提琴家… 让人惊叹的技巧、强烈的音乐说服力与深远思想的难得的结合体!”



  在林耀基先生的帮助下,98年赴美国辛辛纳提音乐学院继续求学深造,获该院破例颁发的研究生奖学金,受到美国最具影响力的小提琴教育家---桃乐丝.迪蕾Dorothy.Delay 女士的特别赏识(曾培养了著名小提琴家帕尔曼等)而收为弟子,并得到著名小提琴教育家科特.萨斯曼丝豪斯Kurt.Sassmannshaus先生的悉心指导。在学期间曾获阿斯本音乐节协奏曲比赛第一名,两次获辛辛纳提音乐学院小提琴比赛第一名,每年夏天在国际知名的阿斯本音乐节Aspen Music Festival出任独奏。在亚特兰大交响乐团2003年演出计划已满情况下,破例与其签约演出三场,并连续三场获得全场观众起立的热烈欢迎。

  他的演出足迹遍及美国,德国,法国,奥地利,瑞士,丹麦,荷兰,希腊,日本,香港,台湾等等,并两次率美国斯塔琳室内乐团在中国巡回演出。即将举行的在美洲和欧洲地区的巡回演出的行程已排至2007年, 其中包括与他长期合作的钢琴家及夫人蔡宜璇在肯尼迪中心的将由美国国家电台NPR纪录并现场直播的独奏会, 和在美国西北大学等高等学府讲授的大师课。

  在美国录制的名为“思乡曲-Song of nostalgia”的独奏CD唱片包括东西方的经典小品,以及被称为小提琴曲目中技巧难度最大之一的“夏天最后一朵玫瑰-- The last rose of summer ”,目前在美国出版发行。他参与演奏制作的小提琴教育影片“追求经典 Classical Quest”获得美国‘爱米’最佳教育影片奖An Emmy award winning educational video.


  Yang Liu

  “The best of the billion!”-- Beijing Tonight names violinist Yang Liu, who combines outstanding technical command and sublime musicality in performances that have earned him numerous accolades in Asia, the United States and Europe. He is a former first prize winner of China’s National Violin Competition and a prize winner of the Twelfth International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.

  Born in QingDao, China, Yang Liu made his concert debut at age 10 performing Sarasate’s Zigeunerweisen with the NHK Orchestra in Tokyo, and also performed the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in a nationally televised live concert with the Central Philharmonic Orchestra in Beijing, which drew attention of the renowned violin pedagogue Yao-Ji Lin. He began to study with Lin at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and soon afterward, began to concertize as a soloist internationally. His concert tours have led him to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, Greece, China, Egypt and America. In pursuit of further musical development, Yang moved to the US in 1998, and continued his studies with Dorothy DeLay and Kurt Sassmannshaus at College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati.

  In 2002, Yang Liu made his North American debut with the Atlanta Symphony orchestra, earning three nights of standing ovations for his performance of Paganini’s First Violin Concerto. This success is followed by performances with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra conducted by Robert Spano; the Hagen Symphony Orchestra, Germany; Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra; Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra; Oregon East Symphony; TsingTao Symphony Orchestra and Jinan Symphony Orchestra, China. Repertoire encompasses music from the Baroque period to the most contemporary of works.

  Yang Liu has been a frequent soloist at the Aspen Music Festival and with the Cincinnati-based Starling Chamber Orchestra, with which he toured China twice. He also was a featured performer in Starling’s Emmy Award-winning educational video, Classical Quest. His debut recording, “Song of Nostalgia,” was released to critical acclaim. The disc represents his broad interest in music, including some of the most difficult repertoire written for the violin and traditional Chinese music. This recording, along with many of his live performances are frequently heard on National Public Radio.

  Since making Chicago his home in 2004, Yang Liu has performed as soloist with Highland Park Strings and in recitals in live broadcast Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series, has given interviews and live performances on WFMT (the Chicago classical music station), as well as giving an opening concert at the America Film Festival. Future activities include recitals, masterclasses, and concerto appearances at the Kenney Center, Roosevelt University, Northeastern Illinois University, Musicorda Music Festival in Massachusetts, International Music Festival in Brazil, BeiJing Great Wall International Music Festival, and with Wisconsin Chamber orchestra.

  Mr. Liu currently plays Nicolaus Amati made in 1630 on a generous loan from Stradivary Society and Bein and Fushi Rare Violins. In addition to his busy performance schedule, Yang Liu joined the faculty members of College of Performing Arts, Roosevelt University in Chicago.


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