《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》——宋祖英美国肯尼迪艺术中心独唱音乐会 What a Beautiful JasmineSong Zuying's Solo ConcertConcert HallThe John F.Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts节 目 单The list of the programs
1、茉莉花Jasmine Flower 中国民歌 Folk song from China
2、山歌好比春江水·多谢了The Folk Song is just like the Spring River 电影《刘三姐》插曲From film “Liu Sanjie”
3、木兰从军Mulan Joins the Army
4、好日子Happy Life
5、交响乐:① 良宵Beautiful NightSymphony ② 火车托卡塔Train Toccata
6、苗岭飞歌A Song Flying out of Miao Mount
7、辣妹子Spicy Girl
8、出嫁歌On the Wedding day
9、龙船调Dragon Boat Tune 湖北民歌Folk song from Hubei
10、蝶恋花·答李淑一Dielianhua-Reply for Li Shuyi 江苏评弹Suzhou Pingtan Ballad
11、孟姜女Mengjiang Nu
12、猜 调Guessing Tune 云南民歌Folk song from Yunnan
13、小河淌水Moon and River
14、交响乐:① 斯拉夫舞曲Symphony Slavonic Dances② 法兰多拉舞曲Farandole 作品 72/7OP.72/7选自《阿莱城姑娘》组曲From Larlesienne suite No.2
15、绒花Velvet Flowers 电影《小花》插曲From film “Little Flowers”
17、今 夜Tonight 音乐剧《西区故事》插曲From West Side Story
18、爱我中华Love my China