资料图片:艾薇儿式最佳女友前十名--5号选手http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月06日13:48 新浪娱乐
5号选手宣言: My name is ZhongQiu. I'm a girl who likes Avril so much. Here's a letter from Avie to her ex-boyfriend, which I composed myself. The photos are taken by myself. Thank u. Dear Sk8er Boi, Tomorrow, wind will Take Me Away, to a place that You Will Never Know. Since the day you Slipped Away from My World, I began to Fall to Pieces. When I went back and found Nobody’s Home, I felt things were more Complicated than I thought, When I’m With You near the Two Rivers, I know You Were Mine. You said we’ll be Together forever and I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary.I thought I found true love and we shared No more Secrets.How can you be so cruel as to say Let Go? Tell me Why! How can I Get Over It? These are the Things I’ll Never Say to you! I’ve got Too Much To Ask for you, now. but you’re like a Mobile. I tell myself:” He Wasn’t my love. I Don’t Give a Damn if I can not be your Girlfriend!” But Who Knows what will happen next? Well, I’ll have to Take It.After all, Nobody’s Fool! Someday, I will Touch the Sky to discover the Unsolved Mysteries by myself! I’ll be Knockin on Heaven’s Doors. At that time, I will realize you are Not the One for me at all. You Never Satisfy me and we were not Meant to Be. All the Small Things you said keep Falling into History. In fact, the best Damn Thing is that I Could Do So Much Better Without You! What Life Is means to Keep Holding On and I'll be so glad for My Happy Ending! Yours, Avie Lavigne 经过一个多星期的全国“海选”之后,在大量透过email和网上回应报名的选手中,由新浪音乐部和SONY BMG中国联合组成的评委会根据各位选手的创意和与Avril Lavigne的相似程度,最后选出最具艾薇儿风格的10位选手进入第二轮竞赛。 第二阶段的竞赛由现在起持续到4月17日(艾薇儿新专辑《美丽坏东西》The Best Damn Thing全球上市日期)中,前10名选手接受所有网友的投票检验,任何网友都可以参加投票在前10名中选出你们心目中的最佳前三名。最后获得票数最高的前三位选手即成为获胜者,并赢得一个免费去香港看艾薇儿独家音乐会的机会。前三名获奖者将在4月17日中午公布。同时两位随机抽出的幸运投票者也会一并公布。 这五位最终的获奖者将为自己赢得一个免费去香港看艾薇儿独家小型演唱会的机会(包括国内城市来回香港的机票一张,香港酒店住宿两晚,和艾薇儿香港独家小型演唱会门票一张)。 事不宜迟,马上投出你的宝贵一票。说不定你也会和你选出的Top 3选手一起去香港看艾薇儿哦。 主办单位: 新浪网音乐频道 索尼博德曼(中国)音乐娱乐有限公司 (www.sonybmg.com.cn/minisite/avrillavigne) 协助单位: 上海东广音乐动感101(FM101.7) “Chivas欧美时尚金曲榜” 广东音乐台“Music Around the Globe” 艾薇儿中国歌迷会网站(www.avrillavigne.cn)
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