2007摩登天空音乐节--注意事项http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月30日17:53 新浪娱乐
1、购票时请确认时间、地点。门票售出,恕不退换。 1. When you purchase your tickets,please check to confirm the date, venue and seat number for the show you wish to attend. The tickets you purchase are not refundable or changeable. 2、观众必须持当日、当场有效票进场。每券一人,无副券作废。 2. Only tickets corresponding to the day of attendance will be valid for admission. Each ticket is only valid for one person, and is only valid with the sub-ticket still attached. 3、提前一小时开始验票并入场,入场观众须接受安全检查。 3. Admission to the venue will begin one hour prior to the show. We appreciate your cooperation with the necessary security checkpoints. 4、为保证场内秩序,1.2米以下儿童谢绝入内,1.2米以上儿童凭票入场。 4. Please be sure to arrive early, so that you can take your seat before the performance begins. If you arrive late, please wait until the next intermission before entering and quietly take the nearest vacant seat. Children shorter than 1.2 meters will not be admitted, and children taller than 1.2 meters will only be admitted with valid tickets (these rules do not apply for the special children's performances). 5、购票入场者,即视为同意被主办方现场拍摄,并随录音、录像制品复制发行。 5. Please be aware that we are filming the performances at the Modern Sky Festival. We would like to notify you in advance that you may be filmed as an audience member, and that we may freely use this image in any capacity. 6、请勿将宠物及各种酒水、饮料等带入场内。 6. Pets, food, beverages, and chewing gum are not allowed in the venue. 7、严禁携带违禁药品、枪支弹药、管制刀具和易燃易爆等危险品入场;如遇特殊情况,请协助接受安全检查。 7. Drugs and any dangerous articles such as firearms, ammunition, knives, inflammable objects or materials, and explosives are strictly prohibited in the venue. We appreciate your cooperation in the event that a security check appears necessary. 8、依序入场,一切服从安全警卫人员及工作人员指挥。 8. Please wear appropriate attire and follow the directions of the police and our staff when you enter the auditorium. 9、请各位观众争做文明观众,禁止向场内投掷任何物品。 9. Please abide by proper theater etiquette and refrain from littering in the venue. 10、观看结束后,请观众依序退场,不要拥挤,不要在场内滞留。 10. After the performance please refrain from running for the exit so as to avoid a potential safety hazard. Also, please do not loiter in the venue after the performance has finished. 11、请在演出现场指定售票处购票,否则出现不良后果(如购得假票等情况),由购票者自行承担。 11. Please be sure to purchase your tickets only at designated outlets. Tickets purchased from any other source may be counterfeit. The purchaser will bear all responsibility for counterfeit tickets. 12、若因恶劣天气或不可抗力因素导致演出推迟,延时或无法继续进行,恕不退票。请与主办方协调解决。 12. In the event of a postponed or delayed performance due to unsuitable weather or other unexpected forces of nature, please contact the organizer of the performance for a ticket refund. No ticket agency is authorized to refund any tickets.
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