索尼博德曼:席琳-狄翁仍会在北京接受杨澜访问http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月03日18:23 新浪娱乐
席琳-狄翁巡演中 新浪娱乐讯 针对近期席琳-狄翁(听歌)演唱会的变故,席琳-狄翁所属唱片公司—索尼博德曼音乐娱乐(中国)有限公司(SONY BMG Music Entertainment (PRC) Inc.)委托新浪网发表公司声明: 席琳-狄翁北京演唱会取消但仍会接受杨澜访问 和之前的一些不实传闻相反,席琳狄翁的北京演唱会并不是因为沙尘暴而取消。 由于场地确定上遇到一些困难,席琳狄翁北京演唱会的组织者现已宣布,原定于4月13日举行的北京演唱会正式取消。原定的演唱会场地是北京工人体育场,但经过进一步考量之后,各方认为一个室内场地会更合适。几个室内场地都曾被列入考虑范围,然而,在这么短的时间要重新组织场地的困难太大。由于时间上已不允许,演出只能改期在将来某个合适的时间举行。不过,席琳迪翁本人仍然会于4月12日造访北京并接受她的好朋友、也是中国最著名电视人之一——杨澜的独家访问。同时,席琳也特别发表声明:“这次北京演唱会无法成行我觉得非常遗憾,我本来对这场演唱会是十分期待的。不过,我还是很兴奋能够造访北京并接受杨澜的访问。至少,我还是有机会可以亲眼看到北京,并继续为将来可能的演唱会做准备。” 席琳-狄翁定于4月11日在上海体育场举行的演唱会仍将会如期举行。虽然演唱会遇到一些波折,但最近国内唱片市场对席琳狄翁的最新专辑反应仍然十分热烈。刚刚发行的《新的一天拉斯维加斯现场演唱会》DVD和她前不久发行的新专辑《Taking Chances / 爱的契机》目前都打入各地正版销售排行榜的前十名。 Celine still plans to visit Beijing and appear on Yang Lan’s show Contrary to earlier reports, Celine Dion is not canceling her Beijing concert because of sandstorms. Due to some difficulties in securing the appropriate venue, organizers for Celine's Beijing concert announced that the show originally scheduled to take place on April 13th, has now been canceled. The original site for the concert was Worker's Stadium, however after further review it was decided that an indoor venue might be more suitable. A few sites were contemplated, however, nothing could be organized on such short notice. With time running out before the event date, a decision was made to re-schedule the show for another time in the future. Ms. Dion, who will still visit Beijing on Saturday April 12th to make an appearance on her friend, Yang Lan's TV show, issued the following statement. "I'm really sorry that things couldn’t be worked out for the concert in Beijing. I was really looking forward to it. I'm excited about visiting the city and appearing on Lan's show. At least I will get a chance to visit Beijing and continue to make plans for a future concert". The April 11th Shanghai Stadium concert, will be held as scheduled. Patrons holding tickets for the Beijing show may obtain a refund by calling the Emma Ticket National Hotline, 400-707-9999, or by visiting the Emma Ticket office at the North Gate of Worker's Stadium. SONY BMG Music Entertainment (PRC) Inc. 索尼博德曼音乐娱乐(中国)有限公司 April 3, 2008 声明:新浪网登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述。
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