
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月15日18:43  新浪娱乐

  Vienna, Austria is called as “the Capital of the World Music”. It is difficult to find the second city like Vienna that is immersed in the dense atmosphere of music. The music here has never declined, worldwide famous musicians get together. The annual New Year Concert is known to all of the world.

  Austria is famous for the beautiful Danube and forest scenery. Streamlet is light green, thus providing the musician much inspiration. Vienna is the world-class capital of music. In here, talents teem and celebrities come forth in great numbers, Masters, such as Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss are crowned with age-old glory. Familiar rhythm can be heard everywhere at the riverside of “Blue” Danube.

  Founded in 1071, St. Florian Boys’ Choir is the one with the longest history and the most traditional content in the world today. Originated from the choir of Austrian St. Florian Church and experienced thousands of years' history, the choir goes down to the present. They have been dedicating songs to worship in this Austrian magnificent and splendid Cathedral, which symbolizes supreme artistic level of the choir. Therefore, it is praised as the treasure of Austrian arts. Austria, a piece of land full of music inspiration, Cathedral elegant and majestic atmosphere, as well as special training methods passing down for thousands and hundreds of years bear the weight of ancient and rich cultural details and mold a pure gentle and unusual temperament of these angels. At the same time, St. Florian Boys’s Choir is the eyewitness of the up-and-down of the rising and declining European classic music. It is also the artistic garden plot for fostering innumerable outstanding music talents. Anthony •Florianer spent his childhood in the choir.

  Selection of members: Entrance into St. Florian Boys’ Choir is not easy. First is the limitation of the age. For every little member, his artistic road is refulgent and short. They are chosen from 8-14 year-old youngsters without any change of voice.They should have a certain music genius; pass a series of exams and selection, then becoming a member of the choir.

  Music training: After becoming a member of choir, all the boys take the school as their home. At weekdays, they not only receive normal subject education, but spend most of time mainly on music training and study. All the boys learn to pronounce every note from all trend on the basis of professional training, including adjustment of breath, master of rhythm, understanding for music pieces, instrumental performance etc, relating to all aspects of music arts.

  Study and education: St. Florian Boys’ Choir pays much attention to the boys’ study and education. All the boys are divided into small groups, less than 20 people. They are provided with senior professional teachers to teach their cultural lessons.The choir would likt to make reasonable arrangement for them to enjoy entertainment and leisure time during off hours, so that they can furnace their body and mind, fully display their music talent and capacity to the maximum.

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