GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ (吉耶尔莫 冈萨雷斯)当今西班牙最杰出的钢琴家之一.生于西班牙Tenerife岛。毕业于Santa Cruz de Tenerife音乐学院,1962年师从JoséCubiles在马德里皇家音乐学院钢琴系深造。后又在Schola Cantorum和巴黎高等音乐学院(Conservatorio Superior de París )深造六年,学习演绎印象派音乐,师从Jean Paul Sevilla 与Vlado Perlemuter,后者是Fauré和 Ravel的高足。毕业时,分别获得这两所学校的优秀毕业生称号。
随后,他多次获得过国际钢琴大赛冠军,如1968年的Casino de Tenerife,1966年的 Milán, 1966年的Vercelli (Viotti),1967年的 Jaén 以及 1971年的Tenerife 等国际钢琴大奖赛。
GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ和很多知名乐团合作过。如与法国斯特拉斯堡爱乐管弦乐团,德国德列斯登管弦乐团,利物浦皇家管弦乐团,纽约古典室内管弦乐团,苏格兰室内管弦乐团,西班牙国家管弦乐团,马德里交响乐团,西班牙广播电视管弦乐团,捷克布拉迪斯拉发(Bratislava)广播交响管弦乐团等在德国,澳大利亚,奥地利,法国,前苏联,美国,捷克,罗马尼亚,斯洛伐克,比利时,瑞士和多个拉美国家合作过钢琴独奏音乐会。
还多次被邀请参加如 Granada, Canarias, Santander, San Sebastián, Segovia, Saarbrücken 以及 Munich等地的国际音乐节。
GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ专于西班牙音乐,擅长演绎 I. Albéniz, M. Falla , E. Halffter以及西班牙当代作曲家的作品。1992-1994年在纽约开展西班牙音乐在美国计划。
此外,他还在西班牙多个高等音乐学院以及其他国家的音乐学校讲学,如美国的Kean College,哥伦比亚中央大学,土耳其Bill Kent大学,澳大利亚墨尔本大学,荷兰及比利时的音乐学院等。而且,多个国际钢琴大奖赛邀请他当过评委,从1990年至今是西班牙哈恩国际钢琴大赛的评委会主席。
GUILLERMO GONZÁLEZ录制出版过很多CD,最著名的是演奏A. Scriabin, E. Halffter, M. Falla,A. Garcia Abril和阿尔贝尼斯等人的作品。1996年为欧盟广播电台录制阿尔贝尼斯的伊比利亚,向欧洲和美洲的37个国家直播。1998年出版由他编写的完整的阿尔贝尼斯作品《伊比利亚》。
他是Tenerife皇家艺术院成员,Tenerife的Santa Cruz音乐学院名誉教授。1980年获西班牙国家唱片奖,1991年获西班牙音乐最高奖—国家音乐奖,1993年获Añavingo奖,1994年获Tenerife岛金质奖章,1995年获哈恩国际大赛金质奖章,1996年获Villa de Garachico 500周年金质奖章,2000年获西班牙CEOE基金会音乐演绎大奖。
Tenerife (Grand Canarias) born pianist Guillermo González is considered one of Spain's great artists and its most important champion of Spanish music. He has been a professor at the “Conservatorio Superior de Madrid” since 1975, and has given recitals and concerts throughout the world, concertizing with the most important orchestras and conductors.
Among his numerous recordings, the most important are the ones dedicated to the music of Alexander Scriabin, Ernesto Hallfter, Manuel de Falla, Antón García Abril, Zulema de la Cruz, Carlos Cruz Castro, JoséLuís Turina and Teobaldo Power, for which he received the “Premio Nacional del Disco” in 1980. In 1998 he edited a new version of the Iberia Suite, following the original scores of Isaac Albéniz, collected together with the facsimile of the original score in a world premiere “urtext” critical edition published by Schott Music. This edition is considered the definitive source for the performance of this work, used by the such important world class artists as Mstro. Daniel Barenboim. In December of 2007, he recorded four albums of the complete works for piano by Albéniz for the Naxos label.
Since 1990, he has presided and lead the “Concurso Internacional de piano de Jaén”, for which he has received the gold medal for his work in this organization. He is a member of the “Real Academias de Bellas Artes” of Tenerife (Grand Canarias), Cádiz, and Honorary and Extraordinary Academician of the Conservatory of Santa Cruz of Tenerife. Member of numerous cultural identities and societies, he has been honored with several music schools named after him in his native Spain.
In 1994 he was given the gold medal of the island of Tenerife and named the “Favorite son of the Lagoon and Adoptive son of Garachico (Tenerife)”.
En 1991 he was awarded the “Premio Nacional de Música”, which is the most important award that Spain awards it's artists in the category of piano. Among his prizes and awards in the recent years are: Member of Honor in the Home of Canary Islands en Madrid 1990, Añavingo 1993, the medal of the Village of Garachico 1996, and the “Premio a la Interpretación Musical de la Fundación C.E.O.E.” in 2001.
Since 2005, he has lead a special project of teaching and propagating Spanish music in China, a collaboration that aided his edition of the Iberia Suite. He has recently been invited to form part of the jury of “The China International Piano Competition” (Xiamen), which is the most important piano competition in this country.
In 2007, the University of Granada awarded Guillermo González an honorary doctorate for his important contributions in the creation and development of the “Orquesta de Cámara” of this University.
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