
挪威爵士乐队Excess Luggage喜窝专场

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月05日14:15  新浪娱乐

Excess Luggage

  挪威爵士乐队Excess Luggage喜窝专场

  时间:2008年9月9日 晚21:00

  地点:广州市水荫路城市会一层 喜窝酒吧


  乐队名称:Excess Luggage




  Vigleik Storaas – piano

  Steinar Nickelsen – organ

  Håkon Mjåset Johansen - drums

  The Musicians:

  Vigleik Storaas:

  One of the most important piano players in Norway. Has received two norwegian grammys for his releases with his own trio. Also works as a composer with bestillingsverk for the Vossajazz and Trondheim festivals. Has played on more than 20 other jazzrecords as a sideman with, among others, Karin Krog, NHØP, Terje Typdal, Warne Marsh and John Surman.

  Steinar Nickelsen:

  Was elected «Young Norwegian Jazzmusician of the year»in 2002 with the trio «SOLID!»and got many gigs in Norway and Europe after this. «SOLID!»also won the Getxo competition in Spain in 2003. Recorded with Pål Thowsen, Jon Eberson and Sidsel Endresen in 2002. Toured with Trondheim Jazzorchestra and Pat Metheny in 2003. Moved to Copenhagen in 2004 and has played wih danish musicians Kresten Osgood, Jacob Fisher, Marc Bernstein.

  Håkon Mjåset Johansen:

  Started early to establish himself as one of the leading Norwegian drummers. The trio “Urban Connection” was elected “ Young Norwegian Jazzmusician of the year” in 1998. They won a Grammy for their debut “Urban Connection” and was nominated for their second called“French Only”. Håkon has toured with Chick Corea and Trondheim Jazzorchestra in 2000-01, and played quartet with Michael Brecker on the Molde festival in 2003. He has also played with “Motif”, “Solid!” and “Come Shine”



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