

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月11日04:18  新浪娱乐




  Chen Xieyang

  Music Director & Principal Conductor

  Shanghai Symphony Orchestra

  Renowned conductor Chen Xieyang graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and was then appointed resident conductor of the Shanghai Ballet Orchestra. In 1982 Chen was invited to conduct the Asben Festival Orchestra in America and was hailed as a success. In 1984, Chen was appointed President of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, and two years later was appointed Music Director, the first music director of any performing groups in Chinese history. Since 1985, Chen has appeared in nations and regions including the former USSR, Japan, Italy, the USA, the Great Britain, Switzerland, Korea, the DPRK, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Austria, France, Spain, Russia, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, conducting native orchestras. In 1998, 1999, and 2000 he led the Central Chinese National Orchestra on its tours to many cities in Austria, Germany, Denmark. His concerts at the Grosser Saal Musikverein of Vienna and the Lincoln Center of New York have won enormous successes. In August, 2000, he led again the Central Chinese National Orchestra to perform in the “Chinese Culture in America” Festival, appearing in musical centers including the Lincoln Center. In September 2003, he conducted Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in a 11-city tour in America. The next year saw the pair touring in Europe for the Sino-French Culture Year. Both tours were widely acclaimed. On June 20, 2004, celebrating the 125th Anniversary of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, he conducted the orchestra in the Berlin Philharmonie.

  Chen’s recording of the Violin Concerto “The Butterfly Lovers” won the Gold Record prize in 1989. Since 1987, he was for many times included in the Who’s Who in the World compiled by International Biographical Center, Cambridge. In 2002 he issued the recordings of Zhu Jian’er’s Complete Symphonies. In 2006, he published recordings of Zhu Jian’er’s Orchestral Works and Lv Qiming’s Orchestral Works.

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