

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月11日04:21  新浪娱乐



  出生于奥地利,后赴美深造,近35年生活在加拿大。克迪的恩师包括了Arthur Loesser、Mieczyslaw Horszowski 以及Rudolf Serkin。11岁时,还是学生的他与Arthur Fiedler同台演绎了格里格协奏曲,并获得了著名的Leventritt Award。



  作为一个室内乐音乐家,克迪与众多艺术家演绎了许多主要的经典乐章。如Gidon Kremer,马友友, Janos Starker等。


  Anton Kuerti

  Pianist Anton Kuerti was born in Austria, grew up in the U.S., and has lived in Canada for the last 35 years. His teachers included Arthur Loesser, Mieczyslaw Horszowski and Rudolf Serkin. At the age of 11 he performed the Grieg Concerto with Arthur Fiedler and, while still a student, he won the famous Leventritt Award.

  His distinguished performing career has included tours to nearly forty countries, including Japan, Russia, and most of Europe. He has performed with most major U.S. orchestras and conductors, such as the New York Philharmonic, National Symphony (Menuhin), Cleveland Orchestra (Szell), Philadelphia Orchestra (Ormandy), and the orchestras of Atlanta, Denver, Detroit, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and San Francisco. His vast repertoire includes some 50 concertos, including one he composed himself.

  Anton Kuerti maintains a busy performance and teaching schedule in North America and abroad. In the last two seasons he has performed the complete cycle of the five Beethoven Piano Concertos with the Columbus Symphony, Symphony Nova Scotia, and the Brott Festival Orchestra. He has appeared as concerto soloist with The Philadelphia Orchestra, and the symphonies of Toronto, Edmonton, Colorado, Victoria, Kitchener-Waterloo, Thunder Bay, Windsor and Santa Fe, as well as with the National Arts Center Orchestra in Ottawa and the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia. He appeared as guest pianist with the St. Lawrence String Quartet in Calgary, with the Shanghai Quartet in Richmond, with the DaPonte String Quartet and with the Jacques Thibaud Trio. A sought-after recitalist, he has just given a selection of successful recitals, including appearances in Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia, as well as on the stages of the Caramoor and Ravinia Festivals.

  As a chamber musician, Kuerti has performed the major repertoire with such artists as Gidon Kremer, Yo-Yo Ma, Janos Starker, and the Cleveland, Colorado, Guarneri, St. Lawrence and Tokyo String Quartets.

  Anton Kuerti is one of today's most recorded artists, having put on disc all the Beethoven Concertos and Sonatas, the Schubert Sonatas, the Brahms Concertos and works by many other composers. A critic for the U.S. magazine Fanfare wrote simply that 'Kuerti is the best pianist currently playing'. CD Review (London) called him 'one of the truly great pianists of this century... stunningly played... poignantly beautiful ... a superb Schubert player', while Classic CD (London) wrote that his was 'some of the finest Schubert playing I've ever heard.

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