

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月11日04:26  新浪娱乐

  他在西班牙国内外享有盛誉,18岁时便应邀与世界著名的柏林交响乐团合作演出.曾在西班牙、德国学习,在慕尼黑国立高等音乐学院获本科及硕士文凭,师从德国钢琴家Eric Then-Berg——后者是布索尼、Eugen d’Albert, Alfred Hohen的嫡传弟子——并以优异成绩毕业。他首次登台便是与柏林交响乐团合作布拉姆斯第2钢琴协奏曲,他还在萨尔斯堡参加过Paul Badura-Skoda的钢琴大师班。

  他还在西班牙国内外多次获奖,如哈恩国际比赛,还获阿隆索国家大奖、Leopoldo Querol奖,Ciudad de Murcia, Bonn Timken-Zinkann奖,Antonio Iglesia奖, 慕尼黑市政厅大奖。他在西班牙的首演得到了世界著名的钢琴泰斗Jose Iturbi的支持,后者组织了他在马德里的独奏会,两人此后结成好友。此次音乐会为他此后在欧洲的演艺生涯奠定了基础,让他走遍了荷兰、比利时、德国、意大利、英国。

  除了在上述国家以及捷克、德国、巴西、澳大利亚举办演出外,他还在多个国家的电视台和广播电台录音。他在布宜诺斯艾利斯康伦剧院与爱乐乐团的合作令听众与媒体交口称赞。他的录音方面的成就涉及英国BBC, 柏林电台,慕尼黑巴伐利亚电台,斯图加特电台,意大利广播公司、约翰内斯堡电台等,还与多家电视台录制节目。

  他还发起多项专题研讨会,如李斯特超级练习曲,阿尔贝尼兹伊贝里亚组曲,贝多芬奏鸣曲,莫扎特奏鸣曲,肖邦全部作品,二十世纪俄罗斯作品等。他掌握的钢琴与乐队曲目包括巴赫D小调协奏曲,莫扎特、贝多芬、门德尔松、肖邦、李斯特、布拉姆斯、柴科夫斯基、拉威尔、格里格、舒曼、普罗科菲耶夫、拉赫玛尼诺夫帕格尼尼主题狂想曲、巴托克协奏曲、Eugen d’Albert、Manen, Cano, 巴伯、Montesinos协奏曲、 法亚“西班牙花园之夜”,Ernesto Halffter葡萄牙狂想曲等。



  Mario Monreal is an internationally renowned concert pianist known for his career both in Spain and abroad. He has studied in both Spain and Germany, completing his collegiate and postgraduate studies at the Staatliche Musikhochschule in Munich. Instructed by the German pianist Eric Then-Berg, a successor to pianists such as Busoni and Eugen d’Albert through Alfred Hohen, he graduated “Suma Cum Laude” with honors. It was there in Germany that he debuted as soloist with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, playing Brahms’s Second Concerto. He furthered his education in Salzburg with the pianist Paul Badura-Skoda’s master classes.

  He has received numerous awards in national and international competitions such as the International Competition of Jaén, winning the Alonso National Award, the Leopoldo Querol Award, the Ciudad de Murcia Award, the Bonn Timken-Zinkann Award, the Antonio Iglesias Award, the Munich Rathaus Award…

  His debut in Spain was supported by the pianist JoséIturbi, who organized a recital in Madrid in his honour. After that, they became close friends. This recital significantly affected his career by opening the door to numerous other performances throughout European countries such as Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain.

  In the last few years, in addition to having great success in Holland, Belgium, Italy, South Africa, Poland, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil and Australia, he has played for different television networks and radio stations from a number of countries. One of his greatest successes, in the eyes of both the public and the media, was his debut at the Colon Theatre in Buenos Aires with their Philharmonic Orchestra. His most prestigious work includes recordings for the BBC, the RIAS Radio of Berlin, the Bayerischer Radio of Munich and Stuttgart, the RAI of Italy and the Radio Broadcasting of Johannesburg, along with the recordings made for different television channels.

  He has been one of the pioneers in offering monographic, or specialized, piano seminars, most notably the “Transcendental Studies” by Liszt, the “Iberia Suite” by Albéniz, Beethoven’s Sonatas, Mozart’s Sonatas, Chopin’s complete works for piano, “The Russian Pianism of the XX century”, etc.

  His repertoire for orchestra is comprised of more than fifty concerts that cover all the greatest piano styles, including Bach’s D minor Concerto and concertos by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Ravel, Grieg, Schumann, and Prokofiev, the Four Concertos and Variations on a Theme of Paganini by Rachmaninov, concertos by Bartok, Eugen d’Albert, Manen, Cano, Samuel Barber, and Montesinos, Falla’s Noches en los Jardines de España, Ernesto Halffter’s Portuguese Rhapsody, etc., conducted by talented figures such as Enrique Garcia Asensio, Antoni Ros Marbá, García Navarro, Odón Alonso, Stanislav Wislocki, Piero Gamba, Mario Benzecri, Armando Krieger, Carlo Zechi, Cervera Collado, Eduardo Cifre, Efraim Lessing, Pedro Pírfano, and Ivo Cruz, among others.

  He is also a permanent academy member at the Real Academia de San Carlos of Valencia.

  In addition to his concert activity, he is a professor at the Joaquin Rodrigo Upper Conservatory of Music of Valencia.

  His latest project was a number of concerts in eastern China, which he will repeat this fall. His future plans include a concert tour and master classes in Australia.

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