1956年7月3日出生于古巴卡马居伊,毕业于国立艺术学院,获莫斯科柴科夫斯基音乐学院奖学金,入该院随Rudolf Kerer深造,后进入巴黎音乐学院、维也纳高等音乐与艺术学院,随保罗-巴杜拉•斯柯达和Magda Tagliaferro深造。他还在华沙参加过W.Malcuzcynski的大师班。
1977年他在巴黎“玛格丽特-隆-雅克•蒂博”钢琴比赛中获大奖,同时还获得拉威尔最佳演绎奖、Chevillon Bonnard与Mohan特别奖。他在保加利亚波波娃音乐节上获金奖,哈瓦那的罗尔丹钢琴比赛中获第一名。
他曾担任众多国际比赛的评委或主席,如哈瓦那Iberian-American钢琴比赛,哥伦比亚Santander国际比赛,南卡罗来纳州Hilton Head比赛,Jaen国际比赛。他在许多著名学院担任客席教授,如波哥大国立大学,哈瓦那国立艺术学校,墨西哥艺术中心,西班牙科多巴音乐学院、多伦多格伦•古尔德皇家音乐学院。
他在欧洲、南北美、中、日、韩等国办过音乐会,曾与英国皇家爱乐乐团、BBC交响乐团、纽约EOS交响乐团,达拉斯交响乐团合作,在墨西哥他与墨西哥城交响乐团、奥弗纳姆乐团、亚拉帕乐团合作过;此外还有哥伦比亚爱乐乐团、委内瑞拉“西蒙•玻利瓦尔”乐团、卡拉卡斯市立乐团。此外还有柏林国家歌剧院、法国拉姆勒乐团、Pas de Loup乐团,他还与古巴国家交响乐团、布拉格爱乐乐团一起巡演。
他为多家唱片公司录音,如法国EMI, DG, ASV, IMP, 音乐遗产公司。他在法国EMI公司灌录了世界上首套斯克里亚宾24首前奏曲与“撒旦诗篇”,还录过贝多芬、格里格、拉赫玛尼诺夫、肖邦的钢琴与乐队作品。
Jorge Luis Prats
Jorge Luis Prats was born on July 3, 1956 in Camagüey, Cuba. He graduated from the National Arts College and earned a scholarship at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow where he studied under Rudolf Kerer. He continued his higher education at the Paris Conservatory and then the Hochshüle für Müsik und Künstler in Vienna under Paul Badura Skoda and Magda Tagliaferro in Paris. He also attended master classes of Witold Malcuzcynski in Warsaw.
He won the Grand Prix at the “Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud” competition together with the special prizes to the best interpretation of Maurice Ravel and AndréJolivet along with the Chevillon Bonnard and Mohan awards at the same competition in Paris, 1977. He obtained the Gold Medal at the Katia Popova Festival in Bulgaria and the First Prize of the Amadeo Roldán Piano Competition in Havana, Cuba.
He has been served as a jury member or president of international competitions such as the Iberian-American Piano Competition in Havana, the International Piano Competition of Santander, Colombia, the Hilton Head in South Carolina and the Jaen International Piano competition.
He is a guest professor at the National University of Colombia, National School of Arts of Cuba; The Center for Fine Arts, Mexico DF, and the Conservatory of Cordoba, Spain,.and the Glenn Gould Royal Conservatory in Toronto.
He have played in every nation in Europe, Americas, China, Japan and Korea. He has performed with the Royal Philharmonic in London, the BBC Symphony, EOS Orchestra of New York, the Dallas Symphony, the Berlin State Opera and the Lamoreaux and Pas de Loup Orchestras of France. He has also toured throughout Latin America and Spain with the Cuban National Symphony and the Prague Philharmonic.
He has recorded for PathéMarconi (EMI France), DG, ASV, IMP, and Musical Heritage. His discography includes the premiere recording of the Scriabin Preludes and his Satanic Poem, works by Beethoven, concertos by Grieg, Rachmaninov, Chopin and Cuban music.His concerto repertoire covers Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms and Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Liszt, Grieg, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Scriabin, Dohnanyi, Litolf, and Chopin.
His recital repertoire includes works of Bach (Well Tempered Clavier, Suites and Partitas), Mozart (complete sonatas), Beethoven (sonatas), Chopin, Liszt (Sonata and Etudes, Hungarian Rhapsodies), Ravel (Gaspard de la Nuit), Debussy, Villa-Lobos together with Cuban classical music from the 18th and 19th centuries. He is also a masters of contemporary Cuban composers such as Carlos Fariñas and Harold Gramatges.
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