

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月18日15:30  新浪娱乐






  Zhou Keng

  Artistic Director of International Piano Festival of Shanghai Conservatory of Music

  A versatile pianist, educationist and music activist, Prof. Zhou Keng is now Artistic Director of the International Piano Festival, Deputy Executive Director of the International Piano Academy, and Vice Dean of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. He was on the jury of the 48th Jaen International Piano Competition held in Spain, Vice Committee Chairman of the 1st International-e-piano Competition held in Minneapolis, USA. He is also the producer of the indigenous musical “The Sixth Patriarch” and a senior advisor to the Shanghai Music Press. Vice Artistic Director of the 2008 Beijing Centenary Piano Extravaganza(A night for piano in china) in the National Center for the performing Arts.

  Zhou entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1983 where he studied under Prof. Zheng Shuxing. While a student, he played concertos with local orchestras, and won the second prize in nationwide trials for the Liszt International Piano Competition held in Hungary. In 1987 he received a full scholarship that enabled him to attend Iowa University. Later he moved to Minnesota University, where he studied with Prof. Alexander Braginsky and obtained his master’s degree. Zhou has given recitals throughout the USA, Italy, and played concertos with many American orchestras. In 1992 the classic music channel of MPR Radio broadcast his concert live. He has also received interviews from local and international media, such the Star Tribune of Minnesota and the Universal Daily. He was Vice Chairman of the American Pacific Musicians Association and a board member of the Minnesota Sino-US Friendship Association.

  In 2002 Zhou returned to Shanghai and started his pedagogic career. In 2005 he launched the International Piano Festival in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and the four events hitherto have proved a great success. Over twenty virtuosos and numerous students from home and abroad gathered in Shanghai, making the Festival a glorious feature on the music scene of China.

  Zhou has also organized several matinee piano concerts and piano competitions to spot talented players at home and abroad.

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