

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年01月07日19:45  新浪娱乐

  UNDP started its operations in China in September 1979. Over the past 28 years, we have successfully mobilized US$ 100 million to support China’s development efforts. Through the completion of over 900 projects, we have worked in a diverse set of development fields such as agriculture, industry, energy, public health, poverty alleviation and economic restructuring.

  In particular, UNDP is actively working to improve the lives of the most vulnerable groups in the society through development activities - groups including ethnic minorities who often have a distinctive lifestyle due to their individual environmental, social, cultural and historical background. UNDP works to improve their livelihoods, building on the rich knowledge and skills that these minorities possess. UNDP believes that their cultural history – made visible through tourism and the traditional handicraft sector - can act as powerful engines and promote and develop the communities of these ethnic minorities, as well as contribute to poverty alleviation and development.

  About DADAWA

  As a representative of China’s new music industry, the internationally well-known artist Dadawa produced the album Sister Drum (1995), which soon became an international success. Through the cooperation with a number of creative Chinese musicians as well as contribution from new and upcoming artists, she produced the albums Yellow Children (1992), Voices From The Sky (1997), and Seven Days (2006) by mixing traditional Chinese music with a unique blend of oriental tones together with a contemporary sound. All her efforts contributed to bring China’s contemporary music to the world stage.

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