

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月13日21:07  新浪音乐





  1) 《相克相生》- 电子音乐 (2007/8’58”/中国首演)









  3) 《凝神聆听!》- 电子音乐 (2007/8’37”/中国首演)




  4) 《鸣鸟》- 电子音乐 (2008/9’34”/中国首演)


  长期以来,鸟类的歌声,以及水声和昆虫的叫声,一直都被视为是音乐的灵感和主题。特别是鸟的声音常常成为音乐的原始素材,从文艺复兴时期的作曲家Clément Janequin(c1485-1558)到现代作曲家梅西安 (1908-1992)都有借用鸟鸣来创作的经历。今年是具体音乐60周年,音乐理念从传统器乐的演奏解放出来已经经历了很长的时间。这个作品是此类作品的第一次尝试。鸟的声音是2008年的春天在东京采录的。就声音的合成来讲,运用了粒子合成和一些调制技术。Max/MSP 用做现场的声音操作。也运用了一些自制的声音合成软件。

  5) 《零度的思考》- 电子音乐(8’37”/中国首演)


  此作品采用了单簧管音色,并将其作计算机化声音调制处理。硬件环境为Apple Powerbook。













  musicacoustica2008 concert series(7)

  《Ryum》-Japanese Electronic Musician Concert

  Time: 19:30 29th Oct 2008

  Place: concert hall of the Music School ATTACHED TO The CCOM

  1) Mutual Generation and Restriction -  Electroacoustic Music (2007/8’58”/China premier)

  Composer: YODEN Yukiko

  It was the graduate work of master's degree of Creativity and Research of Acoustics, Culturology of Music, Center for Music Research, Tokyo University of the Arts, which was a 4 band acoustic composition created with Japanese Instruments and Western Instruments。

  This composition was based on the thought of “Five Elements”, which the core was mutual generation and restriction. All the things will keep good balance when generation and restriction are interacting. However, when the balance is destroyed, there will be some things appearing which are destructive and isolating. This composition was trying to express such situation。

  As the choosing of instruments, every direction were configured by the tone table which was setted. (East: Drum West: Bell North: Pipe South: String )

  2) Ginn-Klang – for Electroacoustic Music(7’30”)

  Composer: Hiromi Ishii

  This composition explored ways to relate traditional satsuma-biwa music to electroacoustic music. For this purpose, some masterpieces of Satsuma-biwa has been analysed from the vewipoint of electroacoustic composition。

  The traditional music of the satsuma-biwa is a story-telling music which consists of vocal part and the biwa as accompaniment. Traditional satsuma-biwa music is usually structured by three different musical parts which are played continuously. Most pieces begin with single tones letting listen the audience to the subtle timbral nuance in resonances. The music moves to the second part which is a virtuoso by the biwa player. It leads music to a quiet climax in which the player sings expressively. The musical structure above has been applied to structure this piece so that it keeps the close relationship between the tradition of the biwa music。

  3) Listen carefully! – for Electroacoustic Music (2007/8’37”/China premier)

  Composer: Kazuko NARITA

  The title of this work refers to the famous excerpt from Plato's Symposium where the Stranger invites Socrates to listen to what she wants to tell him regarding love (ta erotika). She explains how to achieve from the observation of beautifull bodies the abstract notion of beauty. As in the platonician dialogue one starts from observing concrete things such as bodies of young men,

  at the beginning of the musical piece one understands clearfully the words pronounced by the Stranger  (peir? de mo?). Through a musical transformation which desembodies them, these words are no longer discernable. Composite sound materials have been added to them (instrument, voice, noise…). As in Plato's dialogue where abstract beauty has no more connection with individual beauty, at the end of the musical transformation the sound materials have lost their identity of origine for the sake of a musical unity。

  4)Birdsong – for Electroacoustic Music (2008/9’34”/China premier)

  Composer: Naotoshi Osaka

  The songs of birds have long been an inspiration or theme for music, as well as insect sounds and water sounds. Especially birdsongs have always been source material for music, ranging from the Renaissance composer Clément Janequin (c1485-1558) to the more recent composer Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992). This year is the 60th anniversary of Music Concrete, and it has already been a long time since the idea of music was emancipated from performance by traditional instruments. This piece is the first of such pieces. The main birdsongs were recorded in Hachioji, Tokyo in the spring of 2008. As for sound synthesis, granular synthesis and several modulation techniques are used. Max/MSP is used for real-time sound manipulation. Self-made sound synthesis software is also used。

  5)A thought at Zero degree – for Electronicacoustic Music (8’37”/China premier)

  Composer: Takehito Shimazu

  This piece is made of the sound of clarinette With such sound, by means of some way of moduration inside a computer (Apple Powerbook)

  6)Ryum - for Electronicacoustic Music and Vedio (2008/5’34”)

  Composer: Hiromi Ishii

  Ryum was composed to create a close relationship between visual- and music-part in the sense of traditional Japanese art. Both visual and music part were composed in parallel so that musical and visual timing can be adjusted delicately. This piece does not include any sudden explosions, or surprising interruptions as they are not the expression ways of Japanese traditional art. The subtle changes and slowly floating transformations are the manner of this piece. 

  The sound materials were taken from traditional Japanese music gagaku and noh and processed by the manner of electroacoustic composition。

  The idea for visual part was inspired by Japanese textile industry Nishijin which has a long history of producing original style textile and has been in demand by the gagaku and noh performers for their clothes。

  The faint pastel color tone of images was derived from the original landscape in source image, which are the colors of the nature。

  7) Miss the Real – for Electronicacoustic Music and Vedio

  Composer: YODEN Yukiko

  It was composed at the period of studying in the Musical Creativity and the Environment major of Music department, Tokyo University of the Arts. At that time, It was commissioned by Ohta Toshihiko whose major was Industrial Painting of Faculty Fine Arts. The ordinary purpose was to write a music for a performance with props masks. The subject of this composition is “Dual Character”, just like “forte-piano”, “kind-evil” and so on. When realizing there are things that have contrary character in the deep heart, people will feel upset and struggling. This composition was written to express such mood。

  The construction was based on the plot of the performance. Some Japanese instruments was used such as koto and Shakuhachi. These instruments were recorded at first. Then, they were processed by the computer。

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