

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月13日21:14  新浪音乐







  2)《闽南》- 为电子音乐而作 (2008/7’19”/世界首演)


  福建闽南地区素以功夫茶及佛教文化著称,同时又拥有众多的非物质文化遗产,比如:南音、木偶、歌仔戏、莲花褒歌、搏饼等。该作品试图以电子音乐常用的Envelope、Filter Reverse Delay、 X-mod、Resonator、timeTrip等手段,营造浓郁的闽南佛教文化气息,以及茶文化氛围。素材取自莲花褒歌片段及独有的搏饼音效。灵感来自闽南著名歌舞艺人陈飞的人生经历。

  3)《和谐之声》 -为5.1多声道环绕系统而作的电子音乐(2008/10’10”/北京首演)
















  7) 《变奏》- 为电子音乐而作(2008/11’26”/中国首演)


  作品的素材来自藏铃(Tibetan singing bells)、风铃(Bell Tree)等若干铃类打击乐器的采样。从声音的声学属性来说,此类乐器的声音具有丰富的频谱特征,为声音的变形处理提供了很好的基础。该作品以多种铃类乐器的多种声音类型为原型,运用电子音乐的技术手段展开“变奏”,旨在探索此类声音类型在其声学属性上所展现出的多种形态特性。作品的声音变形处理主要采用了GRM Tools Classic、GRM Tools Spectral Transform软件。该作品于2008年6月分别参加了由法国布尔吉斯第38届国际电子音乐节,以及国际电子音乐研究会(EMS)组织的二场中国电子音乐作品专场音乐会的演出。

  《 Blue Night》-Chinese young Composer concert

  Time: 16:30 30th Oct 2008

  Place: Recital hall, CCOM

  1)Blue Night-electro-acoustic music for 5.1 multi-channel surround system (2008/11’49”/Beijing premier)

  Composer: WANG Tiantian

  The “Blue Night” (for the 5.1 multi-channel surround system), which completed in May 2008, The composer tried to track down the sound cell, which is intangible and transparent. Then the composer made this cell impenetrate the entire work. Also, the piece attempts to blend the harmonious and even more natural elements into this work which doesn’t include the “Melody” and “Harmony” as usual。

  2) MinNan – For Electronicacoustic Music (2008/7’19”/World premier)

  Composer: Wang Dalun

  The area of Fujian Minnan is famous for Kongfu Tea and The Culture of Buddhism. Also, there are a large number of intangible cultural heritage such as Nanyin, Puppet, Taiwanese Opera, Lotus Praise Song and Bo Bing. This composition was trying to use the common measures just like Evelope, Filter, Reverse, Delay, X-mad, Resonator, TimeTrip and many such methods to build a thick breath of Minnan Buddhism Culture and an atmosphere of Tea Culture. The materials was obtained from the part of Lotus Praise Song and the unique sound effects of  Bo Bing. The inspiration was found from Chen Fei’s life experience who was a famous Minnan song and dance artist。

  3)Harmonious Cacophony -electro-acoustic music for 5.1 multi-channel surround system(2008/10’10”/Beijing premier)

  Composer: YANG Yin

  “Harmonious Cacophony” was composed for the 5.1 multi-channel surround system in 2008,and had been selected in the 35th International Competition of Electro-acoustic Music and Sonic Art / Bourges 2008. It samples the sound from the daily life, and Chinese instruments. After the process of hi-tech electronic ways, these fragments were reorganized and turn into a harmonious and orderly way. Meanwhile, a newborn life was granted。

  4)Colored Glaze - for cello and electro-acoustic music

  5.1 multi-channel surround system (2008/9’10”/Beijing premier)

  Composer: ZHOU Yuan

  Cello solo:Zhao Xuyang

  Chinese colored glaze is a perfect combination of ancient Chinese culture and modern art, the anticipation, the changes rich, embodies Asians’ delicacy, exquisiteness, implication, integrates the emotion and art。

  The bubble of colored glaze contains vitality of art, bubble is the   breathing of colored glaze。

  The idea of this work inspired by the colored glaze, every motive likes a bubble, transform and consistent , bring you  the space of imagination。

  5) Vacuum - a Chiptune Music (2008/4’00”/World premier)

  Composer: Shi Xiaolong

  One creates music with Chiptune by often using computer chips from the old times and employing some basic wave forms. Through the means of sound synthesis, the composer strikes to acquire rich and colorful sound through simplicity。

  6)The Warm Box - electro-acoustic music5.1 multi-channel surround system (2008/Beijing premier)

  Composer: SHAO Qing

  Chaos, the original source of the life。

  It interlaced the lights and shadows with hoarse sounds and dark colors。

  Crouching in the warm world

  to touch and feel about the newborn。

  7) Variation – for Electronicacoustic Music (2008/11’26”/China premier)

  Composer: Guan Peng

  The main sound source for "Variation" is a set of bell-families, such as bell tree, Tibetan singing bells, Bhutan bells and wind bells. These instruments' qualities proved a very fruitful basis for many transformations. With a primary focus on samples of bell type instruments, the work presents the dense textures of bells along with vary kinds of typologies and more abstractly designed morphological constructs。

   看明星八卦、查影讯电视节目,上手机新浪网娱乐频道 ent.sina.cn


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