

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月18日12:12  新浪音乐


  现任上海音乐学院作曲教授、博士生导师、音乐工程系主任、国家重点学科音乐学--"电子音乐与数字媒体方向"学科带头人、教育部文科高等院校计算机教学指导委员会艺术分委会副主任、中国音乐家协会会员、《音乐创作》编委、中国电子音乐学会副会长、中国录音师协会常务理事、中国音乐剧学会会员、国际计算机音乐协会会员。  80年代中期开始计算机音乐与录音艺术研究,80年代末于武汉音乐学院主要策划并参与建立了全国音乐院校中第一个计算机音乐实验室,创办了中国第一个音乐音响导演专业,2003年在上海音乐学院创建了音乐工程系,是我国公认的计算机音乐和音乐音响导演专业教育的创始人之一。曾在国内核心期刊发表多篇有影响力的有关作曲技术理论和电子计算机音乐方面的论文、音乐和音响作品;数十部创作和制作的音乐作品在全国专业评比中获得金奖、一、二、三等奖。

  Wu YuebeiPhD. Adviser, is the Dean of the Music Engineering Department and the Education Technology Center of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Director of National Leading Academic Discipline -Electronic and Multimedia Project. He has been researching on electronic music and recording art since the middle of 1980s. In the late 1980s, Mr. Wu Yuebei worked in Wuhan Conservatory of Music, where he leaded to build the 1st Computer Music Lab among the conservatories home, also established the 1st Music Director Major among Chinese colleges. Since 2003, he set up the Music Engineering Department in Shanghai Conservatory of Music, so he was recognized as one of the founders of the College Major about Computer Music and Music Director in China. He has released a lot of effective dissertations and music works on composition theories and computer music in our National core periodical. Besides, tens of music works composed and made by him has won the prizes ranked from gold medal to top three in professional assessment out of national competitions。

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